Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1278

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1278

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1278

Chapter 1278 No Feelings or Dignity

Kelvin frustratedly stared at his phone as he murmured, "He didn't even explain it clearly. He merely asked me to go there. How can I go there just like that? So annoying!"

Gracie noticed he was irritated when she served him the fruit platter she just made.She could not help but ask, “What's wrong?"

Kelvin heavily sighed, "Help me pack two outfits. I have to go Athadale."

"Did something happen?" Gracie worriedly asked.

Kelvin stroked her hair as he said with a smile, "Nothing happened. Gilbert asked me to go there to treat his friend's legs. I'm indebted to him my whole life.”

Gracie amusingly nodded, “That's because you asked him for a lot of helo back then. If it wasn’t for his help, we wouldn't even be together.”

Kelvin held her hand tightly as he sighed, "That's true. That's why I said I'm indebted to him.”

Back at the Century Grand Hotel, it was late at night and this time, the man was acting crazier than ever before

Lea clenched her teeth in agony. She did not dare to make any noise, because the more she resisted, the more ruthless his actions became.

She could only carefully hold her tummy. She was desolate and terrified.

Right now, she could almost be sure that he would ask her to get an abortion if she told him she was pregnant.

From the party until now, she finally came to her senses.

‘He despises me. He doesn't treat me as a human. In his eyes, I'm just like a prostitute for him to get rid of his sexual desires. To him, I have no feelings or dignity. Although this is a cruel and heartbreaking fact, I have to face it.’

The man was finally satisfied. He left her laying down there as she curled up and wept, staring at his cold back when he walked toward the bathroom.

After a while, the man came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a bath towel.

He dully glanced at the mournful-looking woman on the bed. He inexplicably felt annoyed and disgusted.

Yes. Disgusted!

He was attracted to her body, but she disgusted him at the same time.

Even he could not explain why he had such contradictory feelings.

He was almost not willing to stay any longer. He dried himself with the towel before he picked up the clothes on the floor and wore them.

He did not look at the woman on the bed at all.

Soon, he was fully clothed.

When he walked out of the door, he faintly said without even turning his head, "I probably won't come here for the next few days.

If you need something, you should go and buy it yourself. Although I won't limit your freedom, I won't spare you if you run away or try to hide from me."

He threw a credit card on the end of the bed after he said that.

A hint of a miserable smile could be seen on Lea's face as she stared at the card.

‘I have indeed become a prostitute. I look just like a kept woman.’

Back in the Mullen residence, Kisa woke up quite early.

She looked at the time. It was eight in the morning.

She sat up and saw Gilbert sitting next to the window.

It was cloudy and the sky was gloomy, which made his face look dreary too.

No one knew what was wrong with Gilbert for the past two days. He had been looking murky. His face was contorted with annoyance.

The atmosphere in the room became a little dull because of him too.

Kisa did not want to talk to him. She immediately went to the washroom after she got up.

She came out of the washroom after she freshened up. Gilbert was still elegantly sitting in the chair.

Of course, his face was still gloomy.

Kisa did not want to stay in the same room with a person looking like that. She felt bored.

Just when she wanted to go and see Ms. Mullen, her phone suddenly rang.

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