Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1277

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1277

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1277

Chapter 1277 A Sin That the Kooper Family Committed

The low stand by the window was kicked upside down.

She looked at Gilbert who was calmly sitting in a chair. She was speechless as she said, “Did you kick it?”

He did not speak. He just pulled his tie. A hint of irritability could be seen on his gloomy face. I'm not sure what's bothering him.

‘But it's very rude to kick something in someone else’s house.’

Kisa walked toward Gilbert as she frustratedly said, "Here's the Mullen residence. You should clean up your act. The Mullen family might chase us out if you kick their things."

"Do you think I'm afraid of them?" Gilbert raised his eyes to coldly stare at her.

Kisa could not stand the way he looked at her. She softly said, "I didn't say that you're afraid of them. But you're being very rude. After all, we're their guests."

Gilbert coldly sneered. He did not bother to talk to her.

Kisa just ignored him when she saw his long face. She bent down to pick up the low stand. She then laid down on the bed.

‘I feel so lazy recently. I feel tired even without doing anything every day.’

She felt sleepy shortly after she laid on the bed.

It was very easy to fall asleep in the cool fall.

Just when she almost fell asleep, Gilbert's cold voice could suddenly be heard, “How long are you planning to stay here?"

Kisa opened her eyes. She only realized what he was asking after she was stunned for a moment.

She lazily said, “We'll leave after I find out what happened to your uncle from Ms. Mullen.”

Kisa suddenly thought of Vivian's leg injury when she said that.

She laid down on her side with her eyes closed and said, "Call Kelvin and ask him if he can come over and look at Ms. Mullen's legs."

"You pay quite a lot of attention to Ms. Mullen,” Gilbert's tone was bland. He was impersonal.

Kisa slightly frowned as she said sarcastically, "This is a sin the Kooper family committed. Shouldn't you make up for it?"

"So, you deeply resent the Kooper family just like her?"

He still remembered how she had told him “I do not forgive you".

He still felt extremely uncomfortable until now because of that phrase.

Kisa did not reply to him.

Gilbert stared deeply at her silhouette which was inside the blanket. He slowly clenched his hands on his knees.

After a long pause, he asked in a deep voice, “Kisa, do you not forgive me... No matter what?"

She did not respond.

The room only resounded with bouts of rhythmic breathing sounds.

Gilbert got up and walked to the side of the bed.He lowered his eyes to glance at the woman on the bed.

She was tightly closing her eyes as if she had fallen asleep. novelbin

Gilbert suddenly laughed sardonically.

His anger spiked. ‘I've been unhappy since last night, but she seems like nothing's happened. She's still got an appetite and can sleep like a log!"

He clenched his fists and wanted to hit her body. But just when his fist touched her shoulder, he withdrew his hand.

‘It's fine. I won't fuss about it for the sake of the baby in her stomach.’

He went back to the window and took out his phone. He then called Kelvin.

"Pack up. Come to the Mullen residence in Athadale immediately."

At that time, Kelvin was comfortably enjoying the cool fall breeze in the yard.

When he heard what Gilbert said, he suddenly did not feel relaxed anymore.

He scrunched his handsome face, “Why? Why should I go to the Mullen residence?"

"To treat Ms. Mullen's legs.”

“I'm not going. I don't know Ms. Mullen. Why should I travel so far to treat her legs?"

“Are you coming?"

“I'm not going!"

“Are! You! Coming?!"

“I'm not... Beep..."

Gilbert ended the phone call before Kelvin could finish his sentence.

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