Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1276

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1276

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276 You Think I'm Lying?

Kisa followed her gaze and looked at Adrien's back. Many questions popped up in her head. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Adrien was David Kooper. Otherwise, why would he show such concern to Ms. Mullen?’ Ever since Adrien and Gilbert appeared, Vivian had been in a bad mood. Kisa held Vivian’s hand tightly and said, "Don't think too much about the past. The most important thing right now is for your leg to heal. I will contact my friend tonight and ask him to come as soon as possible."

"Many doctors have looked at me and said that it's hopeless,” Vivian said in a low voice.

Kisa smiled at her and said, "Well, I was sentenced to death by many doctors back then, and I was indeed dying at that time. But, my friend was able to drag me back from hell. I believe that he can heal your legs.”

Aglimmer of hope flashed in Vivian's dead eyes when she heard that. Kisa was relieved. "The weather is nice. You should call your friends and hang out with them.”

Friends?” Vivian suddenly sneered. "I haven't had a friend in a long time since I lived in this tiny place. I don't even know what's going on outside these doors.”

Kisa frowned fiercely, suddenly remembering what Gilbert had said the night before. "I met a woman in the backyard last night. She said she was your friend,” Kisa tentatively said.

"You might have mistaken. I don't have any friends,” Vivian shook her head and replied. Doubt arose in Kisa's heart. ‘Why did the woman Gilbert chased after claim to be Ms. Mullen's friend? Her attire was casual, so she definitely wasn't one of the servants. Who is she? Why did she lie to Gilbert? ' Kisa was still thinking about it after leaving Vivian's place.

‘A woman who looked like Sara yet denied it and said that she was Ms. Mullen’s friend... Something fishy is going on with that woman.’ When Kisa passed the fake rock, a sudden force grabbed her by the arm. She screamed subconsciously and fell into a familiar embrace.

As soon as she looked up, her gaze was met with Gilbert's deep black eyes. He reeked of tobacco. "What are you doing here?"

She asked, struggling to get away from Gilbert. When she looked down, she saw cigarette butts on the ground beside his feet.

‘Has he been here all day since he left Ms. Mullen’s place? Was he waiting for me?’ The man’s face was dark and cold, maybe because the anger from last night still lingered. Kisa did not understand why he pulled her over, so she asked again, "What are you doing here?”

“Nothing,” the man replied lightly and walked toward the villa. Kisa glanced at his back inexplicably and hurriedly followed him.

"Gilbert, did the woman you chased after last night really say that she's a friend of Ms. Mullen? 1’ Gilbert stopped in his tracks immediately and squinted his eyes at her. "Why? Do you think I'm lying?"

“No, that's not it,” Kisa whispered. "I just think that it's a little strange."

Gilbert ignored her and walked forward. His legs were long, so he was able to take big strides. Kisa was behind him, almost trotting all the way.

Back in the room, Kisa was stunned.

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