Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284

Chapter 1284 How Could This Kill Her?

A scream rang through the street, turning the heads of those passing by.

Jane was startled and instinctively released Lea.

Lea’s knees buckled and she fell right onto the ground.

She felt a cramping pain in her stomach. It hurt so much that she curled up into a ball.

But aside from the wrenching pain she felt in her stomach, she also felt fear and hopelessness in her heart.

Layla watched the woman on the ground as her face contorted in pain. She felt a little terrified

She grabbed her daughter, “What’s this? Why did you hit her?”

“Mom, this is the b*tch who made a fool out of me during Mr. Mullen Sr ‘s banquet. Hah. I searched high and low for her, yet this b*tch actually showed up right in front of me to let me beat her up!”

Layla noticed that something was amiss with the woman on the ground. She could not help but tug on her daughter and said worriedly, “Alright, she’s just a lowly woman. Let’s just ignore her and not escalate the situation. Look at her, she looks like she’s about to die. It’s quite scary

“She’s a lowly wench; she wouldn’t die this easily!” Karen sneered.

She continued, “Besides, didn’t I only slap her a few times and kick her once? How could this kill her? If that’s the case, then her life is too fragile. Hah. Look at her painful expression. She’s probably faking it. I’m going to kick her to death!”

Karen said as she lifted her leg and prepared to kick Lea again.

Suddenly, they heard a low growl, “What are you all doing?”

It was Anthony’s voice.

Karen’s leg froze mid-air

Anthony strode over. When he saw the woman curled up on the floor, he immediately paled.

He felt his heart sink. Just as he was about to help the woman up, Jane stopped him,

She grabbed his arm and desperately shook her head at him. Then, she quickly smiled, “Anthony, didn’t you say you’ll take Karen around? Let’s ignore this lowly woman and go.”

“Help… Help me…”

Lea gripped her stomach with one hand and reached out to Anthony with another. Her pale face brimmed with agony and hopelessness.

She wanted him to save the child. She wanted him to save their child.

However, the pain in her stomach had practically taken over her mind, causing her to lose to the ability to form a full sentence.

“Anthony, I’m begging you. Stop getting involved with this lowly woman. Did you forget how I was treated in the Mullen family? She can’t help your future in any way and will only drag you down. She’ll only make the people around you ridicule and humiliate you. Anthony, my intentions are for your sake, do you understand?”

Jane twisted her words and found an angle where no one could see her actions and pleaded with Anthony through tears. She begged him in a soft voice that only the two of them could hear

Anthony tightened his hands by his side. For a while, he was silent.

Karen was worried Anthony would blame her for her actions, so she quickly defended herself,” This woman suddenly ran over to pick a fight with me first Besides, I didn’t do anything to her She wanted to hit me, so I kicked her once out of self-defense. But she took advantage of her period and pretended to play dead while lying on the ground as if she were about to die. She’s doing this to make you pity her Only lowly women like her would pull disgusting tricks like that Don’t get fooled by her, Anthony”

‘Period?’ wondered Anthony.

Then, he glanced at the bloodstain on Lea’s pants.

‘So it’s her period, he thought.

He chuckled, “I’m not that silly. Come on, it’s not worth it getting our moods ruined by a lowly woman.

After hearing his words, Jane immediately sighed in relief.

Anthony led Karen into the car beside them without sparing Lea another glance

Lea stared hopelessly at his retreating back. Then, her vision gradually blurred.

“Stop the car! Quick, stop the car!*

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