Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285 The Child Is Gone

Kisa was leaning against the car window and enjoying the cold air when she saw a familiar figure. Her heart sank, and she quickly shouted for Felicity.

Felicity stopped the car at the side of the road and asked, “What’s wrong? Kisa did not have the time to respond. She quickly got out of the car and yelled, “Lea!”

She ran over to Lea, shocked when she saw the pale and distorted look on her face. There was blood on her pants. “W-What happened? W-Who did this?” Kisa said in a trembling voice.

She looked around, feeling sad and angry, when she suddenly saw the backs of Anthony Mullen and Karen Reyes.

An intense rage suddenly arose in her heart. She wanted to avenge Lea by teaching them a lesson. Suddenly, Lea grabbed the corner of Kisa’s clothes and said, “S-Save Save my child. “Lea’s lips. turned pale. She was too weak and injured to speak properly.

“Don’t worry I’ll take you to the hospital right away it’s okay Everything is going to be fine.” Kisa was so scared for her friend that tears began to flow from her eyes. There was a hospital not far from where they were They reached it by car in only a few minutes As she watched Lea being pushed into the emergency room, Kisa felt a chill run down her spine.

“Don’t worry. She’ll be fine,” Felicity hugged her and said. Kisa remained silent. Her eyes were fixated on the door of the emergency room. Felicity let out a soft sigh. She did not know how to console Kisa, so she just sat with her in silence.

After a long time, the door of the emergency room finally opened. Kisa saw the blood inside the room, and her heart went cold. Maybe it was because she sat for too long, when she stood up, she could not

keep her balance and almost fell. Felicity was the one who quickly supported her

Kisa walked to the emergency room door with a heavy heart and asked the doctor, “How is she?”

“We weren’t able to save the child. I’m sorry.”

Kisa choked up in pain. Felicity hugged her and started to feel sad as well.

Lea was transferred to a single ward. Kisa asked Felicity to go back first while she stayed with. Lea. There was still a red and swollen palm mark on Lea’s face as tears filled the corners of her eyes.

Even in a coma, her hands still covered her abdomen, like she was protecting her child. “My child… Save my child, Anthony Please I’m begging you. Save my child…” Lea murmured sadly Her eyes were closed, but tears flowed down her face. Her voice was hoarse, flustered, and desperate

Kisa bit her lip in discomfort. “I can’t believe she still relies on that man while he treats her like sh*t.’

She held Lea’s hand tightly and said in a gentle voice, “Don’t be scared. It’s okay. Just rest. Everything will be fine.”

From the soothing effect of Kisa’s voice, Lea gradually calmed down.

Kisa then got up and went to the door She leaned against it and took a deep, long breath, but she could not suppress the grief and anger in her heart. She took out her phone and searched for Anthony’s number

‘I think I have that “sshole’s number here somewhere I want him to visit no matter what I want him to see for himself how he’s hurt the woman who loved her

While scrolling through her phone, she came upon an article on an entertainment news platform She wanted to exit the news, but the headline and picture grabbed her attention.

In an instant, the grief in her heart could no longer be suppressed.

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