Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1287

Chapter 1287

Chapter 1287

Chapter 1287 Proposal

Jane had planned this for a long time, and it was she who brought in all the reporters. She knew Karen liked Anthony, and if Anthony proposed, Karen would definitely say yes. As long as Karen said yes to Anthony’s proposal in front of the press, the marriage between Anthony and Karen would be inevitable, even if the Reyes family disagreed.

By now, Layla was looking not too happy Jane glanced at her and chuckled as if nothing had happened. “Mrs. Reyes, look, they’re such a perfect match.”

“Heh, you’re well prepared for this secret rendezvous, eh? I forgot that you’ve always been a schemer You also used such a tactic when you first came to the Mullen family. I didn’t expect that after all these years, you’re still so insidious. I really underestimated you and your son.” Layla’s voice was full of mockery and disdain.

Jane laughed, sounding indifferent. “Don’t say that. Look, Karen is happy. What’s more important is that they are happy.”

Layla looked at her with disgust, not wanting to talk to her.

Satisfied, Jane smirked and looked toward the stage.

On stage, Anthony looked a little gloomy. But for his mother’s sake, he still handed a bouquet with a ring to Karen. Anthony could not care less, as he had no expectations of marriage anyway. It would be the same regardless of who he married. Since his mother wanted him to marry the woman before him, he would.

“Will you marry me?” he asked Karen without expression, his voice calm, devoid of emotions. Karen smiled happily and bashfully at his question. “Who would want to marry you?” Karen pretended to play

hard to get.

Anthony sneered. “So you’re not willing to? Forget it then.” With that, he took the flowers back.

Anxious, Karen grabbed the bouquet, not caring about her image “Who says I’m not willing? It’s just that you didn’t even bother to coax me.”

“So, by accepting the flowers, you’re agreeing to Anthony’s proposal, aren’t you?” Jane asked Karen, smiling to deliberately lighten up the atmosphere.

“I… I…” Karen looked bashful.

“Marriage is an important matter. I think it’s better to think it over Let’s talk it over between our two families later,” Layla said with a faint smile.

Anthony stood leisurely on the stage with one hand in his pocket, giving a pointed look at the two women under the stage.

Karen glanced at Anthony. She had liked Anthony for a long time. No way would she miss this opportunity when Anthony proposed to her She said to Layla, “Mom, I have thought it over I love Anthony, and I want to marry him.” She looked at Anthony and said with determination, “Anthony. I’ll marry you!”

There was a burst of applause and blessings from under the stage.

Congratulations to the Mullen family and the Reyes family!”

“Mr. Mullen and Miss Reyes are a match made in heaven.”

“It looks like the Mullen and the Reyes are about to have a big celebration.”

While people off the stage were all applauding, a cold and sarcastic laugh from a woman rang through the room. It sounded incredibly jarring and instantly caught everyone’s attention.

“Anthony is truly a womanizer. He had just gotten rid of his own baby and then proposed to a rich girl. His ruthlessness is unparalleled.”

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