Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1288

Chapter 1288

Chapter 1288

Chapter 1288 Insisting on Meddling

With the woman’s loud voice interrupting, the people in the hall subconsciously split into two columns, all curiously looking toward the entrance. They saw a woman walking in with a sneer on her face Those who did not know her started to speculate about her relationship with Anthony Because of her remark, they wondered if she was pregnant with Anthony’s baby, which Anthony had inadvertently killed. Did she then deliberately crash the party as a form of revenge?

Kisa calmly met the strange stares of these people. She straightened her back and slowly walked to the stage.

On the stage, Anthony looked at her quietly, his expression changing. Jane was the most anxious, while Layla was the happiest at this moment. Layla hurriedly came on stage and pulled Karen into her arms as if Anthony was a villain playing with Karen’s feelings. novelbin

Jane looked at Kisa Instead of showing anger, she smiled politely at Kisa, making Kisa look like she was really here to crash the party.

“I wonder what Mrs. Kooper just meant by that statement I know the Kooper family has always been at odds with the Mullen family, but please don’t bring this kind of family feud to us personally.

“Mrs. Kooper? The Kooper family?”

“Oh, so, it really looks like it. She must be Mrs. Kooper of Calthon.”

“Yeah, she’s also quite famous. No wonder she looks so familiar.”

“So it seems there’s something going on between Mrs. Kooper and Anthony Mullen. The relationships in these big families are a mess.”

All sorts of chatter started with Jane’s words. Jane felt even more anxious. She said to Kisa, “Mrs. Kooper, if there’s nothing else, please don’t mess around here, or Mr. Kooper might misunderstand.”

Kisa lowered her eyes and smiled. “I am telling the truth. What’s there to misunderstand? What are you worried about, Mrs. Mullen?” Jane was a nobody in the Mullen family. Kisa was being courteous when she called her Mrs. Mullen.

Another chorus of sarcastic murmurings rose. The smile on Jane’s face gradually stiffened. She looked at Kisa with a menacing look in her eyes. “Mrs. Kooper, I’ll say once more. If there is nothing else, please leave and don’t meddle in the relationship between my son and Karen.”

“What if I insist on meddling?” Kisa snickered and looked at Karen. “Do you really dare marry a mean and ruthless man like him?”

“Hah, he’s only mean and ruthless to you guys, not to me. Anthony treats me well. I will definitely marry him. You have no chance and are just being sour about it. Stop making trouble here.”

Jane was relieved to hear what Karen said. But what Kisa said next struck her dumb.

“What if Anthony has a child with another woman?”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Jane shoved Kisa and snarled, ‘Don’t defame Anthony”

“Anthony loves me so much. Why would he have a child with another woman? You’re just spewing nonsense because you’re jealous that he proposed to me.”

Pushed by Jane, the back of Kisa’s waist knocked into the bar counter She gasped in pain as the impact hurt her belly.

She then sneered and looked at Anthony “I have sad news for you. Her baby is gone, and it’s your baby “Lea was dead set on not letting Anthony know about the baby’s existence. But in the end, they killed her baby, and she was the only one who suffered Why? Anthony should know about it and be condemned by his conscience, Kisa thought.


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