Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1289

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1289

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1289

Chapter 1289 You Killed Your Own Child

The look on Anthony’s face changed. It became very dark and gloomy.

He stared at Kisa and sneered. “Did she ask you to come here and tell me this?”

His tone sounded very cruel and unstable. It sent a chill down Kisa’s spine.

Kisa felt very indignant on behalf of Lea.

She looked into Anthony’s eyes and said calmly, “She’s still in a coma. I came here because I want


“Anthony. you killed your own child.”

“Shut up!” Anthony got agitated suddenly and yelled That’s impossible It’s not possible that she was bearing my child. She has never told me about it.”

1 guess you’re finally acknowledging her existence now, huh?” Kisa smirked sarcastically

Then, she looked at Layla and Karen, who were already in shock “Are you sure that you want to marry scum like this? Don’t you have any other better options?”

Heh. Anthony wants to be a part of the Reyes family, huh? In his dreams! They f*cked Lea over so badly I’m not going to let any of them get away!

Layla’s heart sank after she thought about the woman who lay on the ground in pain with her face scrunched that day

She pointed at Anthony angrily “Anthony, that woman was bleeding down there when she was on the ground. It seems like she really had a baby! A baby that belonged to you!

“You’re just a scumbag who likes to mess around with other women and get them pregnant I’ll never allow you to marry my daughter!”

Layla took the opportunity to call off the engagement since she had never liked Anthony anyway. and she hated his mother as well.

Jane panicked as she quickly said to Layla with a smile “Mrs. Reyes, please calm down. I’m sure that we can talk this out. Obviously that woman is just trying to frame Anthony. Karen and Anthony look so good together and they love each other very much. We can’t let an outsider ruin such a beautiful relationship

“Yeah, mom. Anthony

“Shut up!” Layla shouted at Karen as soon as she spoke

Tm glad that we found out about this before you married him. Do you really want to see him bringing back a woman who has his baby and letting her take your place?

“There’ll be nothing you can do about it by then. Come on, let’s go back now You should stop hanging out with a man like him.

There are so many outstanding men waiting to propose to you. I honestly have no idea what you see in him ”

Layla spoke as he grabbed Karen’s arm and left.

Jane immediately stood in their way

Suddenly, a cold voice could be heard, and it came from Anthony

“Stand there!” He glowered at Layla and Karen. “Who was the one who hit her? Do you remember who kicked her in the stomach?”

Anthony asked the last question in an extremely frightening tone.

Everybody was silent and the atmosphere turned very tense

Karen was shocked as she stared blankly at Anthony

Then, Layla said angrily. “What are you talking about? Who the hell do you think you’re talking to? Keep in mind that you’re just a b*stard child that everybody in your family hates. You’d better watch your tone!”

Layla said without holding back Jane dared not to speak any further as she grabbed Anthony’s arm and whispered, “Anthony, what are you doing? Quick, apologize to Karen and Mrs. Reyes!”

“That’s enough!” Anthony shrugged Jane off and walked toward Layla and Karen grimly. His eyes looked so red, that he seemed like a bloodthirsty beast.

“I remember hearing you say that you kicked her Am I right?” he said, glaring at Karen


Kisa froze in place while staring at Anthony. I didn’t know that he actually cares about that baby.

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