Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1290

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1290

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1290

Chapter 1290 You’re Doomed

Karen’s face turned pale as she subconsciously shook her head. “No. I didn’t do that. It wasn’t


“Who was it then? Hm?” Anthony squinted as he spoke in a cold tone with a vicious look on his face.

Layla got so scared, that she did not know what to say.

Karen’s hair stood on end after looking at his cold eyes.

Suddenly, she shouted angrily, “Yeah, it was me. She’s just a cheap woman who sells liquor So what if I kicked her? Do you really believe that she had your baby just because she says so?

“The baby could be someone else’s, and she just wants you to raise Ah..”

Anthony grabbed Karen’s hair and threw her to the ground before she could finish talking.

Layla was appalled and she froze in place. She watched her daughter getting thrown on the floor before she could realize what was happening.

Then, she realized that the b*stard child, Anthony, had kicked her very own daughter

She got so mad, that her body shook “You cheap b*stard How dare you do this to my daughter You’re doomed. I swear!”

“What are you going to do about it? Anthony glowered at Karen with his bloodshot eyes, looking like a bloodthirsty animal.

Jane was shocked.

Karen was already on the ground crying her lungs out when she recollected herself.

Anthony tried to lay his hands on Karen again as if he had lost his mind.

Layla held Karen in her arms and looked at him fearfully, “H-How dare you! There are so many reporters here. Do you remember who you are?

“Your family takes their reputation very seriously. I wonder how you’re going to explain what happened to your father after this.”

Karen yelled at him too. “Why would you do this to me? I’ll tell you what. You should put the blame on your mother too. She was the one who pinned that woman down when I kicked her

“Why don’t you do the same to your mother too?”

Anthony’s whole body turned tense.

He turned around slowly and looked at Jane.

Jane was about to stop him from hitting Karen again, but she took a few steps back after looking at the horrifying expression on his face.

She felt like she never understood her own son.

Anthony is just like me. He hates how other people mocked him. He’s always wanted to come out on top and earn himself a place in the Mullen family. He would always make the best decision for himself, yet this time.

Even though Jane was shocked and terrified at his actions, she was also worried for her son.

I’m afraid that Anthony will never be taken seriously anymore in the family if his father ever finds out about what happened today His father might even chase us out of the family and disown us.”

She ignored Anthony’s spiteful gaze when she thought about that as she grabbed his arm and said, “Anthony, calm down. Karen might be right. That woman is so cheap, and she might be sleeping with plenty of other men too. That baby might not even be yours. It’s a good thing that the baby is gone. She can’t hold you accountable for anything now or use it as leverage to blackmail you.”

Kisa got so mad after hearing what she said that she laughed.

Then, she looked at Jane coldly “That baby could be your grandchild I’m surprised that not only do you not feel the slightest guilt and remorse, but you’re somehow heartless enough to even say something like this. Everybody’s always saying that you’re a heartless, cruel, and scheming person. I finally get to see why now I can’t blame how other people look down on you. It’s not wrong to be born into a poor family, but it’s definitely on you for having such an evil heart.”

“Shut your mouth! It’s all your fault, b*tch!”

Jane’s plan was ruined. She got so angry that she lost her mind. She raised her hand and tried to slap Kisa

Suddenly, a cold and deep voice could be heard from the door

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