Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1291

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1291

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1291

Chapter 1291 Who Dares Hit My Woman?

“Who dares hit my woman?” The voice was calm and unhurried, containing a trace of intimidation. Everyone looked at the entrance and saw Gilbert walking in with his back against the light.

Kisa looked dumbfounded, not expecting Gilbert to be here. She wondered if he had guessed she was here or if it was just a coincidence

Gilbert’s voice was intimidating, his presence even more so. Jane’s hand stopped in mid-air as Gilbert approached. He stood behind Kisa like an immovable mountain, narrowing his cold eyes at


Jane shuddered involuntarily Gilbert had stayed in the Mullen residence for a few days and was humble and polite. But at this moment, that grim look in his eyes really frightened her She hurriedly withdrew her hand and took a couple of steps back.

Gilbert stared at her and said slowly, “Who did you just try to hit? My wife?”

Jane shook her head and laughed. “You’re mistaken, Mr. Kooper It was she who started the trouble While Anthony was proposing to Karen, she came to ruin the party. I know she has a friend who may have a grudge against Anthony, but she shouldn’t have colluded with him to spoil Anthony’s proposal to Karen.”

“So, you’re saying I didn’t control my wife well? Gilbert replied, his voice cold.

Jane quickly shook her head. “That’s not what I meant at all.”

Gilbert smirked and then glanced at Anthony. He saw Anthony, his eyes downcast, looking despondent as if thinking of something Gilbert said nothing. He just turned around, fixed Kisa’s collar, and

reproached her “I told you not to be nosy, and you know I have a bad temper, don’t you? If you get hurt and I attack his entire family because of it, the media will call me brutal and

unforgiving, and that won’t be good.”

His voice was calm, and he even had a smile on his face, but everyone present felt a chill run down

their spine.

Gilbert did not look at the others. He brushed Kisa’s hair from her face and whispered, “Come on,

let’s go home.”

Kisa stared at him, stunned at his tenderness. She nodded at him. “Let’s go home.”

Gilbert smiled, wrapped his hand around her waist, and calmly led her out of the hall. The media took pictures of them, but no one else interfered with their exit.

Just as they walked out of the hall, Anthony caught up with him, standing in front of Kisa and glaring at her. “Where is she?”

“Do you still care about her?” Kisa felt indignant and scoffed at him. “She protected the baby with her life, but what did you do?”

Tm asking you where she is!” Anthony yelled at her angrily

Gilbert narrowed his eyes. “Anthony, please watch your attitude.”

Anthony glared at Kisa as he walked toward her, looking like he was about to hit her

Suddenly, a group of people who looked like bodyguards approached them. “Mr. Mullen, Mr Mullen Sr. wants to see you and Mrs. Mullen.”

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