Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1292

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1292

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1292

Chapter 1292 Trying to Be a Hero

Jane had just come out when she heard what the bouncer said. She trembled with fear thinking that by suddenly asking her and Anthony to go home, her husband must have heard about what had happened today.

This is not good. He must be furious now and may even kick me and Anthony out of the Mullen family

“Let’s go, Madam, Mr Mullen.”

Anthony did not move but stared morosely at Kisa.

Jane quickly tugged on his arm. Come on, Anthony Let’s get back or your dad will get mad

“Is she really pregnant with my child? Why didn’t she tell me?” Anthony asked Kisa eagerly, as if he had not heard Jane.

Seeing his earnest look, Kisa suddenly became suspicious Does he still have some feelings for Lea?

Taking a short breath, she said to Anthony, “You’d better ask her yourself “Lea had asked her not to tell Anthony about the baby But because she was so angry today she came over to tell him this to ruin the marriage proposal between the Mullen and the Reyes families. Now that she had achieved her objective, she thought it would be better for Anthony to ask Lea herself about the baby

Anthony still refused to leave and insisted on finding out where Lea was. In the end, Jane had to force him to leave with the bodyguard.

There was an uproar with all kinds of chatter inside the bar Karen glared at Kisa with resentment as she and her mother left the bar it was only when Gilbert shot a stern look at Karen that she looked

away After Layla and Karen left, Gilbert turned to look at Kisa, his voice nonchalant, but with a clear sense of reproach. Why did you try to be a hero?”

“I wasn’t trying to be a hero. I was standing up for my friend,” Kisa said.

“First, ask yourself if you have that ability to stand up for someone.” Gilbert sneered.

Kisa felt upset when she heard this. “Yes, I don’t have the ability, but at least I’m not as cold- blooded and heartless as you are. So what if I’m not capable? At least I’ve spoiled their plans.”

“But did you ever stop to think for a moment that they would have hit you? If I hadn’t arrived in

I time, you might have gotten a good beating. Those people cannot be reasoned with.

“I don’t care. The pain will be just physical, but at least I can do something for Lea and feel better that way.”

“Heh! Just physical pain? You make it sound so simple. Do you even know He glanced at her belly for a second before looking away in a huff, “Fine. You wouldn’t understand even if I told your I’m always the one who is worried about you, anyway.”

Kisa was exasperated. “Did you just say that you’re worried about me? I’m sorry, I didn’t really feel

Gilbert’s face turned stony, but his tone of voice remained calm. “Of course you don’t feel it because you have no conscience.”

“You make it sound as if you have a conscience “Kisa snorted and turned around to walk toward the sidewalk. She wondered if it was because she had just bumped into the bar counter, her abdomen still hurt. She subconsciously stroked her belly as she went ahead to hail a cab.

Gilbert glared at her from behind and followed her. “Let’s go to Felicity’s place.”

“You go there first. I have to go to the hospital.” She was worried about Lea’s condition, wondering if Lea had woken up yet. She knew Lea would not be able to accept the loss of her baby, and she did not know how Lea would come out of this pain and gloom. While she was deep in thought, someone suddenly scooped her up.

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