Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1319

Chapter 1319

Chapter 1319

Chapter 1319 Leave Her No Way Out

“What’s the point of you forcing her to be with you?

“You should know very well that everyone in your family, including you, looks down on her. None of you will ever let her be a part of the Mullen family. Why won’t you just leave her alone? If you really care about her, you should’ve been more considerate and defended her when you had the chance, instead of treating her like trash. Not only that, why did you blame her for embarrassing you when she was the one who was mistreated?”

“Hmph. Care?” Anthony scoffed. “I’ve slept with so many women. She’s the worst and cheapest one I’ve ever been with.”

Kisa clenched her fists and smiled coldly. “Doesn’t that just give you one more reason to leave her? None of the women you slept with had treated you genuinely other than her.

“Is it that hard for you to let go of a woman that you don’t care about, yet loves you so much?”

“Shut up!”

Suddenly, Anthony yelled at her.

Then, he said to Kisa coldly with his bloodshot eyes, “You’d better stay out of this.”

Kisa stared at him indifferently and said, “I don’t have a choice. She just loves you too much and she’s willing to give up everything for you. The way you treated her so disdainfully and heartlessly turned the feelings she has for you into a weapon against herself. So again, please let her go. I don’t want you to leave her no way out.”

“Leave her no way out?” Anthony smiled coldly.

He looked at Kisa viciously and disagreed with the things she said. “I gave her money and provided her with a comfortable life. How am I leaving her no way out?

“Mrs. Kooper, you should just keep your mouth shut if you don’t know anything, okay?” novelbin

His gaze turned more aggressive as he spoke.

Kisa shook her head helplessly.

She thought that Anthony would understand what she said.

Unfortunately, a man like him knew nothing about love.

Then, Kisa said to him in a very serious manner, “Words are sharper than swords, especially if they come from a loved one. I’ve said everything I came here to. Think about it. Even if it’s only out of pity, please just leave her alone.”

Anthony sneered, looking cold.

Kisa clenched her fists tight again. “Your cold and stubborn character is going to kill her sooner or later. Think about it.”

Kisa did not want to spend any more time with him after saying that, so she turned around and left. Anthony tightened his fists as he lifted the edge of his mouth mischievously.

‘Kill her? She listens to everything I say. She’ll never be bold enough to end her own life unless I allow her to!‘

As soon as she stepped out of the ancestral hall, Kisa saw a figure standing under the tree not far away from her

That person was tall and had a cigarette between his fingers.

‘That’s got to be Gilbert. That’s strange. Didn’t he go back? When did he come here? I wonder if I got here before him.‘

Kisa remembered that she had taken a look around when she arrived, but she had not seen him anywhere.


She was getting used to how unpredictable Gilbert always was.

Kisa walked toward that figure.

Gilbert put his cigarette out and fan the smoke away with his hand after he saw Kisa.

Kisa smiled. “I’m surprised that you’re being so considerate of the baby.”

Gilbert looked at her as if she was stupid.

“That’s my baby. If I myself don’t care about him, who would?”

Kisa mocked him. “You didn’t care about your first baby as much as this one.”

“Who said so? You just didn’t notice it when I did.”

Kisa paused and looked at him deeply.


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