Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1318

Chapter 1318

Chapter 1318

Chapter 1318 Sick Obsession

The tea was refreshing.

After that, Kelvin began treating Vivian with his needle technique for the first time.

Kisa was a little annoyed when she thought about how Gilbert did not stay with her after coming here together.

So, she went outside to look for him.

However, she did not see Gilbert anywhere. The only signs he had been around were a few cigarette butts around the edge of the wall.

She glanced at the logo on the cigarette butts and found out that it was Gilbert’s go–to brand.

‘It seems like he stayed here for some time.‘

Kisa looked up and gazed around, but still could not see him anywhere. ‘He probably left,‘ she thought to herself.

Then, she turned around and looked at Kelvin and Vivian.

Kelvin had a thin and long needle made of silver in his hand Then, he poked it into Vivian’s leg carefully.

Vivian looked very nervous and excited.

‘I guess the treatment isn’t going to be done anytime soon.‘

Kisa thought to herself. Then, she turned around and walked toward the ancestral hall.

Even though Anthony had been made to kneel in the ancestral hall as a punishment, nobody knew if he would meet Lea again after he was free.

Kisa gave Lea a call this morning, but she did not pick up.

Instead, Lea sent Kisa a text, telling her that she was fine.

‘It looks like she still can’t get over it yet.‘

Kisa figured out she had to talk to Anthony about it and make him spare Lea.

Otherwise, his cruel and ruthless words would most probably drive Lea to desperation.

The ancestral hall did not look as creepy as it did at night during the day.

The backyard of the Mullen residence was so big, that it could be compared to a park.

Kisa only reached the ancestral hall after about thirty minutes of walking.

There was nobody around it.

Kisa looked inside and saw Anthony kneeling alone.

Jane was not there either.

Kisa looked at Anthony’s upright back and thought to herself.

‘Anthony is such a heartless and wicked person. I didn’t expect him to be so obedient to his

father. Nobody’s here, and there’s no need for him to kneel at all. He could be slacking, and no one would ever know.‘

Kisa walked toward him slowly.

Anthony was bowing his head down, looking a little dull.

She went beside him, but Anthony did not move at all.

Kisa pursed her lips and said, “I have something to talk to you about.”

Anthony reacted as if he was not expecting her to be there at all.

He lifted his head immediately.

He glowered at Kisa with his bloodshot eyes. His handsome face looked very haggard, yet still as ferocious as ever.

“It’s you!”

“I want talk to you about Lea.”

Kisa stared at him emotionlessly.

She knew that she should not interfere with their relationship.

But she was just very worried that Lea would do something to hurt herself.

Her stomach would flutter every time she thought about how defeated Lea looked the other day.

“Did… she really have my baby?”

Anthony just had to get an answer.

Kisa replied flatly, “Regardless of whether she did or not, please just let her live her own life. I know you’re just using her as a pawn against me. However, I can tell you that she’s no use to you anymore. So please, just let her go.”

“Heh heh…” Anthony suddenly started to laugh creepily. “Did she ask you to tell me this?”


“Then please tell her to give up on that idea! I’m never going to leave her alone as long as I’m still alive!”

Kisa stared blankly at that aggressive man in front of her.

He reminded her of the old Gilbert.

Gilbert had wanted her to die so badly, that he said something similar as well.

Kisa could not help but wonder to herself.

‘Is this man somehow obsessed with Lea in his own twisted, perverted way? Does he hate her? Or does he… care about her?‘

Kisa looked at him, confused.

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