Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317 Something Off with the Tea

“That’s… That’s for Mrs. Kooper, sir. I can get you another cup if you want some.”

The servant seemed really panicked and almost reached out to snatch the cup back.

Kisa stared at the servant skeptically. She had a nagging feeling something was off.

‘It’s just a cup of tea. Besides, Kelvin is here to treat Ms. Mullen’s legs; this makes his status more distinguished than mine, so that cup of tea should be given to Kelvin first. Since Kelvin had snatched it away himself, it should be fine. Why’s this servant in such a panic?’ she wondered.

“I can’t drink it just because it’s for her?” Kelvin glanced at the servant icily.

He continued, “As a guest of the Mullen family and someone who’s here to treat Ms. Mullen’s legs, I can’t even have a cup of tea when I’m thirsty?”

Then, he downed the entire cup of tea angrily.

‘Tsk! I’m the young master of the Hoover family and have an entourage whenever I leave the house, yet here I am, being sidelined by a servant. I’m speechless,‘ thought Kelvin.

Mrs. Mullen Sr. was worried that Kelvin would get angry, so she quickly reprimanded the servant,” Mr. Hoover is our guest; how could you be so inattentive to him. Since he’s already taken the tea, get Mrs. Kooper a new cup.”

“Yes… Yes.”

The servant glanced at Kisa before hurrying back into the house.

Vivian pulled her mother aside, “Forget it, mom. Not many people come to my place often; she’s just not used to it.”

“Hmph! If it wasn’t because she had taken care of you over these years, I would’ve fired her just now.”

“Alright. The truth is, your family’s hospitality is questionable, so don’t blame everything on the servants.”

Kelvin leaned onto the chair and said slowly.

‘Truth be told, I’m not that fond of the Mullen family because of Anthony Mullen. If it weren’t because Kisa wanted me to treat Ms. Mullen’s legs, I wouldn’t even bother coming,‘ he thought.

Mr. Mullen Sr. glanced at him and suddenly snorted, “Even if the Mullen family really has problems with hospitality, we do have basic etiquette. The Mullen family treated you, Mr. Kooper, and Mrs. Kooper with the best etiquette, did we not?”

“Mhm…” Kelvin nodded indifferently.

Meanwhile, Kisa felt embarrassed.

‘Kelvin is being so arrogant. Even if he feels discontentment toward the Mullen family, couldn’t he hold it in first? After all, we’re on their turf right now. Sigh!‘ she thought.

“You, on the other hand, Dr. Hoover, don’t just keep bragging. If you can’t cure my daughter’s legs,

your title as the medical genius might waver.”

Kelvin leaned against the chair in a sloppy manner. Then, he smiled haughtily, “Don’t worry. They don’t call me a medical genius for nothing. I dare say no one else in the world can cure her legs other than me.”

“Hah. It seems like you’re very confident, Dr. Hoover. Then I shall look forward to the results of my daughter’s treatment,” Mr. Mullen Sr. said.

Then, he snorted quietly and left.

After Mr. Mullen Sr. left, Mrs. Mullen Sr. and Adrien followed suit.

The servant then brought out another three cups of tea.

After handing Vivian and Kelvin a cup each, the servant finally gave the last cup to Kisa.

Kisa subconsciously shook her head, “Thank you, but I’m not thirsty.”

“The autumn weather is dry. Have some to drink, Mrs. Kooper. It’s good for your body and skin,” the servant said with a smile.

Kisa had a feeling something was off, but she could not tell what.

Suddenly, Vivian said to her, “This is a new flower tea we just bought. It’s suitable to be consumed in late fall and dispels heat within the body. You can give it a try.”

Kisa glanced at the tea.

‘It looks clear and refreshing; it doesn’t seem like there’s anything amiss. Besides, everyone’s drinking it too,‘ she thought.

Kisa did not think any further. She grabbed the cup and took two sips.

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