Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1316

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1316

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1316

Chapter 1316 Outsider

She had even chosen her gravesite… thought Gilbert.

Gilbert was leaning on the wall in the courtyard outside. When he heard Kisa’s words, his heart clenched.

Back then, she must’ve had the mentality that she was definitely going to die. Thankfully, she survived. Otherwise, what would I do? he thought.

“But I… I’m worried that I’ll get my hopes up for nothing, “Vivian gripped her blanket and said dejectedly. She was feeling a mix of emotions.

Just as she was about to speak, three persons entered the courtyard.

It was Mr and Mrs. Mullen Sr., and Adrien.

Seeing Adrien, Kisa got an idea. She said to Vivian, “You should give it a shot, even if it’s a small glimmer of hope. Otherwise, how will you stand up and make that person pay? Go find that person and avenge yourself, right?”

Then, she subtly glanced at Adrien.

Unfortunately, Adrien’s expression remained indifferent, as if he were just an outsider.

Kisa’s gaze darkened. She suddenly found the man’s calmness and indifference a little intentional.

If he were really an outsider and not close with Vivian, then he wouldn’t have a reason to constantly come visit Vivian at all. He’s now here to see Vivian, yet there isn’t a hint of worry or concern on his face. The indifference on his face seems forced, as if he’s doing it for show, she thought.

Vivian gripped her blanket tightly.

When Mrs. Mullen Sr. saw the expression on her daughter’s face, she asked Kisa and Kelvin,” What’s the matter? Didn’t you say you can cure my daughter’s legs?”

Before Kelvin could respond, Kisa answered Mrs. Mullen Sr. with a smile, “Ms. Mullen is worried that her legs can’t be cured and that she’ll get her hopes up for nothing, so she’s a little hesitant for Dr Hoover to treat her.”

“This won’t do!”

Mrs. Mullen Sr pulled Vivian’s hand in a panic. Then, she persuaded her earnestly, “Vivian, you need to give it a try no matter what. As long as you give it a shot, there’s still a glimmer of hope.

Vivian bit her lip hard. She was holding back and woeful.

Fortunately, she did not have an emotional breakdown and flip out as she did that day.

Trying to inspire her, Kisa said, “That’s right, Ms. Mullen. Didn’t you want to seek revenge on that person? How can you take revenge when you don’t even have the courage to stand up? That person hurt you so deeply, don’t expect him to have the conscience to come back to see you. What’s the use of feeling resentment and anger? The anger will only force you into a dead-end That’s why you should be brave Stand up for yourself and find that man. Then, end your nearly twenty year grudge so that you won’t have any regrets. Am I right?”

Sure enough, Kisa’s words evoked a reaction out of Vivian. Vivian’s grip on the blanket laid on her legs tightened further

Then, Kisa turned to Adrien, “Am I right, Mr Tanner?”

Adrien seemed like he did not expect Kisa to suddenly ask him a question. He seemed stunned Moments later, he looked at Kisa with an inquisitive gaze.

Kisa chuckled, “I’m only asking Mr Tanner because I think he’s an outsider and knowledgeable

Then, Adrien finally smiled, “Mhm. You’re very right. Don’t expect others to avenge your own grudge. Some grudges can only be settled if you take revenge yourself

Mrs. Mullen Sr patted her daughter’s hand gently. “That’s right. They’re all right. Give it a try. Don’t make me worry about you when I’m so old.”

Vivian was choked up as she looked at her mother A moment later, she said to Kelvin, “Alright I’ll receive treatment.”

Just then, the servants brought out tea.

After handing out the cups to Mrs. Mullen Sr. and Adrien, only one cup was left.

The servant handed the cup of tea to Kisa.

Just as Kisa took the cup, Kelvin snatched it over

The servant instantly panicked.

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