Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1315

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1315

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1315

Chapter 1315 Chosen My Gravesite

“I heard that a summer retreat was built in there; a water pipe connects to the stream of the mountain beside. The water’s cool during the summer and warm during the winter. Moreover, its interior is also exceptionally stunning. I also heard there’s a massive garden that looks like paradise.”

A garden? wondered Kisa.

For some reason, she suddenly thought of the bizarre garden in her dream.

She could not help but shudder

Moments later, she shook her head.

It’s just a dream. How could it be so coincidental? she thought.

She looked at Gilbert, “Do you really buy it? A summer retreat?”

Gilbert shook his head, “Of course not. After all, there’s no need to act so mysteriously and guarded if it’s a summer retreat.”

“I don’t, either. It would make more sense if other people in the Mullen family could enter The thing is, Mr Mullen Sr isn’t allowing his family members inside either and there are many bodyguards in the restricted area. That’s why I think there’s definitely a secret within.”

Gilbert walked over and stroked her messy hair

“Whatever secret’s within, it’s still the Mullen family’s secret Why are you being so curious?” he said with a smile.

Kisa looked at the backyard outside of the window Then, she said in a low voice, “I have to find a way to get inside and take a look.”

Gilbert gazed at her with a frown.

‘Isn’t this woman way too curious? he thought.

After breakfast, Kisa followed Kelvin to the backyard to meet Vivian.

Gilbert did not go out today but followed them to Vivian’s place, which was situated in the backyard.

However, Vivian hated people from the Kooper family, so Gilbert did not enter and just stayed in the courtyard outside her house.

Vivian’s complexion looked significantly better than two days ago.

She also had a slight smile on her face.

Kisa smiled at her, “Ms. Mullen, Dr. Hoover says there’s hope for your legs.”

Vivian nodded. She had an emotional expression that contained a hint of worry. “Dr Hoover already told me yesterday, but I don’t dare to be too hopeful. After all, it’s been years.

“Don’t be silly, it’s just a problem with legs. This is no big deal for a medical genius like me.elvin puffed his chest and had a proud expression which eased Vivian’s worries.

The servants took out several chairs.

Kelvin sat down across from Vivian and opened his medical kit. Then, he said to her, “I’m going to perform the acupuncture on you. At first, it might not be effective, but don’t worry. Generally, it takes a

least half a month of treatment before its effects can be seen. Once your legs regain sensation, I’ll give you systemic therapy*

Once again, Vivian had a worried expression, “What happens if there’s no effect after half a month?

“Then we’ll see the results after a month. If you still don’t feel any sensation after a month, then Your legs are a lost cause.”

The hope and light in Vivian’s eyes instantly dissipated.

She pulled the blanket that had been lifted, and it covered her legs completely. Then, she said in low spirits, “Then I’d better not receive treatment. The higher my hopes, the more disappointed I’ll get. After all, my father’s hired many experts to treat me in the past but none of them managed to do anything Over the years, I’ve gone through so much disappointment and hopelessness, so don’t want to go through it all over again.”

Hearing this, Kelvin had a glum expression.

“How could those experts compare to me? They’re merely experts, while I’m a recognized genius in the medical field. Look at her,” he said as he pointed at Kisa.

He continued, “Back then, she was about to die and holding onto her last breath. I was the one who saved her from death’s door

Vivian looked at Kisa out of reflex.

Kisa quickly laughed. “That’s right. It’s true. Back then, I’d even chosen my gravesite. I never expected to actually survive.”

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