Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1002

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1002

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002 I Must Not Conceive His Child Again

Gilbert’s kiss was painful. Kisa could not help but hit him, but the man forcefully grabbed her wrists and pinned her down on the coffee table. There were several magazines on the table. Kisa’s back hurt badly as Gilbert pressed her against the opened magazines. Kisa frowned and stared at the man. “What are you doing?!” she screamed. “I’m doing what married couples do!” Gilbert replied. As he said that, he stretched out his arm to close the curtain.

Before Kisa returned to her senses, she heard the sound of a tear. Gilbert had torn her dress apart. She realized what the man was going to do and hurriedly covered her breasts as she smiled at him and said, “Please don’t. I’m a little tired today. I want to wash up and head to bed early.”

Gilbert pursed his lips and sneered, “I didn’t hear you complaining that you were tired when you went out with that man.”

“Gilbert, please. I’ve already explained myself. I was just trying to ask him… Ah!” She scrunched her face, and her eyes filled with tears. “You f*cking monster!” she yelled, glaring at him with rage.

“I’m your husband. I’m just doing what married couples do. How am I a monster?” the man snorted. His actions were motivated by anger and revenge. He did not know what else he could do with Kisa. So he decided to rule over her body. It was the only way he felt like he owned and controlled her.

After a long period of torture, Kisa fainted. When she woke up, she was already on the bed. She could hear Gilbert’s breath beside her. Even though he was in a deep sleep, his strong arms were tightly wrapped around her waist. It was as if he was afraid that she would run away.

Kisa silently stayed in his arms for a while. She then moved slightly to the side, trying to get out of his arms. She was not used to having this type of skin-to-skin contact with him. Fortunately for her, Gilbert

seemed really tired. He did not wake up when she carefully tried to lift his arms. After getting his arms off her, she moved sideways little by little. With a lot of effort, she finally moved to the edge of the bed.

Her back felt sore as if it had been severely hit with a stick. She could not help but curse the man when she thought of the scene she went through on the coffee table. She lay flat on the bed, quietly looking at the dark ceiling, no longer wanting to fall asleep. She reached for her phone by the bed and turned it on to check the time. However, the man next to her suddenly let out a low snort. She was so frightened that she quickly turned her phone’s screen off again.

When it felt like the man had turned over and fallen asleep again, Kisa let out a sigh of relief. She was not afraid of the man, but she was scared of the sexual acts he would do to her. She held her phone in her hands and lay motionlessly on the bed, becoming less and less sleepy.

When she was thinking about getting up and looking for traces of David and Damon’s existence in the house, she felt a sudden discomfort in her body. Kisa quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom in shock. She turned on the shower and rinsed herself carefully. She then sat in front of the toilet bowl for a long time. When she tried to get up, her sight went dark, and she almost fell. Luckily, she held onto the sink beside her. Looking at her pale little face in the mirror, Kisa could not help but smile wryly.

She counted the days and realized that she was ovulating. She did not take any safety precautions because Gilbert forced himself onto her earlier. She was still afraid of conceiving that man’s child. If she does become pregnant, her determination to take her revenge on that man would be affected. ‘I must never get pregnant with his child again. Never!’

When Kisa walked out of the bathroom, she noticed that Gilbert was still asleep. She put on a nightgown and got out of the room quietly.


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