Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1003

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1003

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1003

Chapter 1003 The Secrets Behind The Door

Kisa looked at the time on her phone and saw that it was already past three o’clock in the morning. It was the time when people were asleep. The whole place was quiet. Kisa stood blankly at the door for some time and turned to walk toward the stairs. When she was married for the first time, she lived alone in the villa for almost a year. However, she was only in her room and the hall downstairs most of the time. She had not been to the other rooms in the villa.

At that time, she did not know about the grievances between her mother and David Kooper. She also did not realize that Carolyn had a crush on Damon. So, she did not pay much attention to them during her time here. ‘If only I had my hands on mom’s diary earlier, I would have turned the villa upside down when I was living here. Maybe I could have found something about David and Damon then, and I wouldn’t need to be so sneaky.’

‘Everyone lives on the second floor. However, David and Damon were like a taboo to Gilbert, so there must be nothing hidden on the second floor about them. If they left something here, it must be hidden in a place people don’t often go to.’

There were many rooms on the third floor, but no one lived there. On the fourth floor were an attic and a small balcony. The attic was where Gilbert had imprisoned Kisa when he first captured her. She had inspected that attic when she escaped. There was nothing there except for a few knick-knacks. Thus, Kisa ruled out the fourth floor and searched the third floor.

The lights in the hallway of the villa were motion-censored. They would still turn on even if Kisa tip-toed across the hall, but she hoped that they would not light up. She had the idea that it would be better for her to use her phone to illuminate the since people would notice the lights in the hallway.


Kisa started investigating each room from the end of the corridor. The few rooms on the side were ordinary guest rooms that were tidy and clean. Kisa took a rough glance and saw that the furniture in the rooms looked brand new. It was as if no one had lived there before. When she reached the middle of the long hallway, she found that one of the rooms was locked. She could not open it, no matter how hard she tried. ‘Is there something in this room?’ she frowned and thought to herself. She then suppressed her suspicion and continued to search the other rooms. novelbin

Other than the room that she found earlier, there was also another room that was locked. This verified Kisa’s suspicions. ‘These two rooms must have belonged to David and Damon, respectively,’ she thought. The locked doors made her even more eager to know the secrets inside.

Kisa recalled that she had picked the attic lock in the Case residence before. She hurried downstairs, found a few wires in the sundry cabinet, and rushed back to the third floor. Even though she had picked the lock in the Case residence before, she was not confident in picking the door lock in the Kooper residence. ‘The lock on the Case residence’s attic looked inferior compared to the type of door lock they have here. This lock looks like it was better made, and the keyhole is small.’

‘Oh, whatever. You’ll never know if you don’t try, Kisa.’ After trying to encourage herself, Kisa twisted the wire into the shape she had seen in a video. She then tried to stuff it in the keyhole bit by bit.

It was unknown whether the air was hot or whether Kisa was feeling guilty, but she started to sweat profusely when she twisted and turned the wire in the keyhole. However, she could not get the door open, no matter how much she jimmied the wire in the keyhole.

‘As I expected, this door lock is much more difficult to open than the lock in the Case residence’s attic,’ Kisa sighed heavily, and when she was thinking of other ways to open the door, she suddenly heard a sound behind her.

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