Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1004

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1004

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004 Why Are You Doubting Me

“What are you up to?” Kisa froze with fright. When she realized that it was Gilbert’s voice, she held her breath slightly and hid the wire up her sleeve. She then turned around to look at the man with a faint smile on her face. The man frowned, and His dark eyes sized her up as he said, “What are you doing on the third floor in the middle of the night?”

“I’m not doing anything. I couldn’t sleep, and I was a little curious. So, I came up to have a look,” Kisa said calmly. In the end, she walked to Gilbert, who had a gloomy and tense look on his face, with a smile and said, “I’ve received your punishment earlier. Have you calmed down now?”

Gilbert did not respond. His suspecting gaze fell onto the door. ‘If I’m correct, the woman seemed to be struggling to open the door just now. What’s behind the door that is worth exploring in the middle of the night?’ Gilbert pushed Kisa away and walked toward the door.

Kisa frowned subconsciously. “What are you doing, Gilbert? I told you I couldn’t sleep, so I came upstairs to look around.” Although her reason was far-fetched, it was the only thing she could come up with to explain herself. She could not tell him that she was looking for answers about David and Damon.

‘Our relationship is just an act. I would never tell him about my past, especially about mom’s secrets. Moreover, Damon and his father are still considered taboo to him.

So, I could never tell him my true intentions.”

Just as Kisa was thinking that, she saw that Gilbert was already standing in front of the room. He tried to twist the doorknob, but to no surprise, it did not open. “Why is the door locked?” The man suddenly frowned again. He looked at Kisa and asked, ” Was it always locked?”

“How would I know?” Kisa laughed. “It’s your house, not mine.”

A trace of doubt flashed across his eyes. “Grandma said that this floor is for guests. My family doesn’t usually have any relatives over, so as far as I can remember, no one has ever lived on this floor. I didn’t come up here much since it was filled with guest rooms, but why is this door locked?” he said softly.

Gilbert then turned the doorknob for the room next to the locked door, which opened easily. The contrast between the two doors made him feel more suspicious about the matter. A light flashed across Kisa’s eyes when she smiled at him and said, “I was also rather puzzled by this. So, I wanted to get in and see what kind of secrets were hidden behind the door. Gilbert, grandma must have locked it. Why don’t you

ask her for the key tomorrow?”

Kisa knew that even if grandma refused to give him the key, he would still be able to get it with his abilities. ‘As long as he gets the key, I will have the chance to go into the room,’ she thought.

Gilbert stared at Kisa strangely. “Why? Do you really want to find out about the

secrets inside?” Kisa pretended to act casual and said, “Well, I’m curious. Don’t tell me you’re not dying to know what’s inside?”

Gilbert did not answer. Instead, he just looked at her weirdly, trying to see through her lies. “It’s not unusual that you’re curious about the secrets behind this door, but it is definitely weird that you came up to the third floor in the middle of the night.”

Kisa’s smile froze. “Why are you doubting me?” She asked.

Gilbert felt hurt when he saw the woman’s face turn slightly colder. He walked up to her, held her hand tightly, and said in a deep voice. ‘I’m not doubting you. I just want you to tell me the truth.”

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