Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1005

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1005

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005 Psychological Tactics

It was surprising that Gilbert did not try to choke her or yell at her. Kisa was also shocked that he did not force her to tell him the truth. She found that his affectionate and patient appearance looked quite authentic.

“I am telling the truth. You’re the one who doesn’t believe me,” Kisa laughed. Gilbert looked hard at her brows and the curvature of her lips, not letting go of any minor tweak in her facial expression. After a long time, he took a light breath. “Come on!” He said as he let go of her hand and walked downstairs.

Kisa stared at his tall figure in disdain, and a strange feeling of guilt appeared inside of her once again. She quickly shook her head to get rid of the guilt as she warned herself, ‘That lost and sad look he has on his face is just an act so that I will feel guilty and foolishly tell him everything. It is just another one of his psychological tactics. It’s what he is best at.’

Kisa maintained the calmness in her eyes and followed the man down the stairs.” Has your anger dissipated, Gilbert?” She asked with a smile while holding the man’s arm intimately.

Gilbert pressed his lips tight and did not say a word. ‘I don’t know why but the more I see her smiling brightly without a care, the angrier I get. It feels like she’s not taking our relationship seriously.’

“Why do you care if I’m still mad or not?” He looked at the woman and asked blankly.” Well, of course I care,” Kisa replied without thinking about it. When Gilbert heard her quick response, he felt a little more comforted. However, what the woman said next aroused an untamable fire in his heart.

“I mean, what if you go crazy and punish me again? It’s better that you’re in a good mood. When you’re happy, you treat me well… Mmm!” As soon as she finished speaking, Gilbert suddenly pushed her against the wall in the hallway. Kisa was so taken aback by his action that her feet slipped. If he did not pin her shoulders against the wall, she would have rolled down the stairs by now.

The man’s sullen roar was full of restraint. “If you want me to be happy, then don’t make me angry all the time. You’re being very disobedient right now, Kisa.”

“But I didn’t-”

“You are not allowed to eat alone with Peter in the future. Otherwise, you’re going to receive a much worse punishment than this. Do you understand?” Gilbert’s words were vicious, and there was a hint of darkness on his handsome face.

Kisa let out a breath. ‘Guess he’s still thinking about what happened with Peter.’ She wrapped her arms around his neck with a smile and said, “Understood. I won’t go out with him alone next time. But, to be honest, I didn’t eat much for dinner just now. I’m getting rather hungry.”

Gilbert stared at Kisa in disbelief. “Is that so? I thought your food would taste even

better with him there.”

“I’m telling you, that man is a moody person. He asked me out for dinner just to make Jolina jealous. After taking me to the restaurant, he left, and I didn’t eat much.”

Kisa was trying to put out the fire, but Gilbert mistook her words. “Oh, so you lost your appetite because he left, and you agreed not to go out with him anymore because you know he likes Jolina!”

“N-No… That’s not it…” Kisa was dumbfounded by Gilbert’s take on her words. ‘Why

do men think like this?’

“You’d just throw yourself at him if he said he liked you, right?” Kisa could not help but roll her eyes. “Gilbert, with that imagination of yours, you can be a screenwriter.”

Gilbert snorted coldly and let go of her. Once the weight on her shoulders was gone, she lost her balance and fell down the stairs.

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