Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1006

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1006

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006 The Keys

Kisa screamed and reflexively closed her eyes, thinking that she would fall and crack her head.

But, unexpectedly, a strong arm caught her by the waist, and the man quickly picked her up and steadied her beside him.

Kisa patted her chest and was still in shock, as a slightly admonishing voice above her head. “What’s wrong? Did you forget how to go down the stairs?”

rang out

She rolled her eyes at him as she internally cursed, ‘If it weren’t for you suddenly pushing me against the wall to teach me a lesson and then suddenly letting go, I wouldn’t have lost my balance.’

However, looking at the man’s sullen face, she did not want to be calculative with him. So, she instead smiled at him and said, “Thank you. You’re pretty good, pulling me back just like that.”

Gilbert said nothing as he walked downstairs with an icy look on his face.

Kisa sneered inwardly.

‘This man sure is difficult to please. Even praising him doesn’t make him happy.’

When she returned to the second floor, Kisa walked toward her own room.

The man suddenly pulled her aside.

Feeling stunned, she asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Aren’t you hungry? I’ll cook something for you.” The man went downstairs as he said


Kisa stood there in a daze for a good while before following him downstairs.

The man had already entered the kitchen.

She sat on the sofa and leaned back slightly. She could see the man keeping himself busy in the kitchen.

‘I totally did not expect this man to cook for me at this ungodly hour, even when he is still angry.’

Therefore, she still could not understand many of the man’s actions.

Once upon a time, she would be the one cooking meals every day, hoping that he would come back to eat with her. But, he never did.

Now, it was his turn to cook for her instead. It was quite often too.

The stark contrast was both incomprehensible and inexplicable to her.

If she wanted to shoehorn in an explanation, it could only be a charade.

Kisa’s thoughts ran wild as she sat on the sofa thinking, and she eventually got more and more frustrated.

So. she got up and went into the kitchen to help.

She was used to this kitchen back then, but looking at it now, she felt a little unfamiliar with it.

The man was making chicken noodles, and the green onions and chicken meat had already been cleanly sliced.

Kisa stood by the door for a while before realizing that there was nothing he needed help with, so she just stood there looking at him.

The air was quiet with only the sound of the gas burning on the stove could be heard.

Kisa did not like such silence, and so she called out to him.



The man responded without turning back. His voice was flat.

Kisa knew that this man could not be placated so easily.

Her fingers twitched as she asked, “Will… will you ask Grandma for the keys tomorrow?”

Gilbert’s hand suddenly stopped.

Amidst the swirling steam, his gaze sank a little.

“Why are you so curious about that room? Do you know something I don’t?”

“No! Didn’t I say it earlier? I was just curious,” Kisa responded casually.

Worried that the man was going to doubt her, she added, “But, it’s fine if you don’t ask Grandma about the keys. It’s just a room. There should be nothing there.”

Gilbert did not answer and just walked out with the pot of noodles in his hand.

Seeing that he brought out two bowls, Kisa chuckled, “Oh, so you were hungry too.”


Gilbert nodded faintly without telling her that he, too, had not had dinner yet.

The two of them went straight to bed after having a peaceful noodle meal.

When Kisa fell asleep again, it was almost dawn. So, this time, she slept all the way till it was almost ten o’clock.

In the end, it was Lea’s call that woke her up.

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