Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1007

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1007

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007 How I Wish I Could Stare Her To Death

“Kisa, why aren’t you at the set yet? Everyone is waiting for you.”

Kisa panicked and immediately said, “Tell the director I’m coming over right now.”

As she said that, Kisa took a glance at her alarm clock.

‘What the hell, who turned my alarm off? I remember I set the alarm for 7.30am.’

Without any time to think, she rushed off into the bathroom for a simple wash-up.

After changing her clothes, she grabbed her bag and went out.

When she got downstairs, she felt a sharp and cold glance looking her way.

Peering over, she saw Gilbert and Mrs. Kooper Sr. sitting at the dining table.

And, Mrs. Kooper Sr. was staring at her with a gloomy and disgusted look.

Kisa shrugged helplessly, not knowing what she did to cross the old woman this


‘Even though she hates me a lot, she didn’t have to look at me like she wished she could stare me to death.’

Kisa ignored her, nor did she look at Gilbert as she grabbed the strap of her bag and walked toward the door.

“Hold it right there!”

Suddenly, Mrs. Kooper Sr. growled at her.

Kisa was in a hurry and ignored her.

“Was it you who prodded Gilbert to ask me for the keys to the room on the third floor?

Mrs. Kooper Sr. snorted coldly at her again.

This time, Kisa subconsciously stopped.

She turned to look at Mrs. Kooper Sr, only to see the latter responding with a disgusted look on her face. “Forget about it. I will never give the keys to you. What right do you have to enter that room?”

“Grandma!” Suddenly, Gilbert stood up. “How many times have I told you that I came to you asking for the key to sate my curiosity about the locked rooms on the third floor.”

“Enough. I may be old, but I’m not senile. You have lived in this house for so long and had never been curious about that room. But now, your curiosity is suddenly piqued when this woman moved in? Gilbert, don’t lie to my face. Grandma knows what you’re thinking.”

Gilbert’s gaze dimmed as he asked Mrs. Kooper Sr., “Then, grandma, can you tell me what’s in those rooms? Why were they locked?”

“Nothing. They’re just two normal guest rooms. I think Mr. Miller locked them by accident.”

‘Since it’s Mr. Miller who accidentally locked the rooms, how did you know that there are two rooms that are locked?

‘What are you hiding from me?’

Gilbert stared at Mrs. Kooper Sr. for a good while before he said, “If that’s the case, then I have nothing more to say. I’ll be heading to the office.”

As Gilbert said that, he picked up the bread and milk carton on the table as he walked

toward Kisa.

Kisa’s brows furrowed as she looked at Mrs. Kooper Sr.

Based on her reaction earlier, the two rooms were not locked by Mister Miller by


However, Mrs. Kooper Sr. refusing to give Gilbert the keys was also what she had expected.

What she wanted was not for Mrs. Kooper Sr. to cooperate, but she wanted to pique Gilbert’s curiosity.

As long as Gilbert develops a deep sense of curiosity and suspicion about the two rooms, he would find a way to get the keys.

If worse came to worst, he would just pick the lock himself.

In any case, most of the time, doors were nothing but decoration to this man.

As they got into the car, Gilbert handed Kisa her breakfast. “Eat up. I’ll send you to the set right now.”

Kisa looked at the time. She was already very late and could not help but feel a little


Thinking of her alarm clock again, she raised her eyebrow at the man. “Why did you turn off my alarm?’

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