Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1012

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1012

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1012

Chapter 1012 She’s No Better Than An Assistant

It was the secretary by the door.

“Ma’am, Mr. Kooper is not inside. He is in the meeting room having a meeting with the management team.”

“Then, I’ll wait for him inside.”

“Uh…” The secretary looked troubled. “Mr. Kooper had ordered that no one, aside from Mr. Park, may enter his room when he is not around.”

“…Oh, I see.”

Kisa smiled faintly and said, “Then, I’ll wait for him at the lounge.”

Although she was smiling, a chill crept into her heart.

‘It looks like I’m no better than an assistant in that man’s heart.

‘But, if I can’t enter his office at will, then I’ll never get my hands on GK Pictures’ secrets. And, when the time comes, I won’t be able to take over GK Pictures smoothly.’

As Kisa entertained the thought, she suddenly bumped head-on into someone.

“Sorry, sorry…”

As the man apologized, he bowed down to pick up the documents that had fallen on the floor.

However, the voice sounded somewhat familiar.

Just as the person looked up, Kisa realized that he was Shaun Burton.

“Why are you here?” Kisa asked reflexively.

When Shaun saw her, he, too, was surprised.

A moment later, he said to Kisa, ” J & K Film Group’s HQ has now moved to the GK International Building. Mr. Kooper said it’s easier to manage the company that way, and it makes important meetings a breeze.”

Kisa nodded and felt that it was quite reasonable.

Shaun looked at her and said, “Miss Kisa… Oh no, I mean, Ma’am. I’m now a member of GK, so I should be calling you Ma’am. Are you here for Mr. Kooper?”

“Yeah, but he’s in a meeting right now.”

Shaun’s eyes suddenly flickered as he said, “Ah, so Mr. Kooper is in a meeting. When will his meeting end?”

“Uh… I don’t know. Do you have something urgent?”

“Yeah,” Shaun nodded, and his brow furrowed. He seemed to have a very serious matter at hand.

Kisa then said, “How about you ask the secretary over there.”

“Alright, Ma’am,” Shaun nodded and took the documents in his hand as he asked the secretary.

Kisa looked at Shaun’s back and felt that something was weird.

‘Why didn’t Gilbert call Shaun along for the meeting? With Shaun’s position now, he should’ve been more than qualified to be called into the meeting.

‘It would be understandable if J & K hasn’t moved over yet.

‘But now, J & K is already in the same building, and Shaun is also a member of GK Pictures now. So, why didn’t he get Shaun involved in the meeting?

‘Could it be that the meeting is only about GK’s matters?

‘But, isn’t GK and J & K one company now?

‘That’s not to say Gilbert is deliberately on guard against Shaun.’

With those doubts in mind, Kisa arrived at the lounge.

Just as she was about to take a seat, Shaun came over as well.

“Ma’am, what should I do? The secretary said that the meeting is scheduled to last until six o’clock.”

“Six o’clock?”

Kisa looked at the time, and it was only three at the moment.

“Let’s just wait, then.”

“This can’t wait! I need Mr. Kooper’s signature urgently. The client is waiting for me.” Aş Shaun said that, his eyes gleamed as he looked at Kisa. “Ma’am, how about you sign on Mr. Kooper’s behalf?”

Kisa frowned a little. “Me?”

“Yes, Ma’am. The day I joined the company, Mr. Kooper had specifically emphasized that I was under your care. So, if I have any urgent matters and he is not around, I

can look for you to settle it.”

As Shaun said that, he hid away the dark gleam in his eyes as he handed the document over to Kisa…

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