Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1028

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1028

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028 He is Like A Clown

‘Uh… Am I supposed to know? But then again, I really don’t know when his birthday is. I asked him once when we were little, but he was so cold and arrogant at the time that he ignored me. Jensen did mention it once, but I forgot. But, I really don’t care about occasions like this.‘ Kisa looked at his sullen face and asked in a soft voice,” So, is today really your birthday?”

“No!” Gilbert yelled at her as if he was afraid she did not know that he was angry.

Kisa did not dare to have a fallout with him again, so she played along. “So, what day is it? Didn’t you just say we are going to celebrate?”

He pursed his lips and started the car again in silence.

Kisa looked at his surly side face in bewilderment as she thought to herself, ‘What a quirky man!‘ She quietly took out her phone and checked the calendar. It was February 14 today. ‘Valentine’s Day?‘ She looked over at Gilbert. ‘Could it be that he is talking about Valentine’s Day? Oh, gosh! A ruthless, unromantic man like him is even aware of Valentine’s Day? What’s even more incredible is that he is taking me out early in the morning to celebrate it.‘ Kisa felt that it was surreal. As affectionate as he was, deliberately taking her to celebrate this occasion and touching her heart, Kisa still felt that it was too eerie. The reason was that a man like him celebrating Valentine’s Day itself was creepy.

Kisa gulped before she asked, “Are you talking about Valentine’s Day?”

“No,” Gilbert grunted in exasperation, like an admission in disguise.

His angry look amused Kisa. ‘Sometimes, this man is really like a child. Ever so childish,‘ she said in her mind.

“But, today is Valentine’s Day and not any other day. Besides, you didn’t know it was Valentine’s Day until you saw your friends talking about it online, didn’t you?” Kisa

said with a smile.

Gilbert took a deep breath in exasperation. ‘I have remembered this day for days, yet this woman keeps digging at me. I’m full of enthusiasm and even look forward to having a romantic date with her, but she behaves like she doesn’t care. I’m the only one who is looking forward to it like it’s all one– sided. I’m like a clown, thinking of ways to make her happy in this relationship, but she seems to care less. I should stop thinking about it. If I don’t, I will be the only one who is hurt.‘

He said nothing more and just kept driving with a morose face. Kisa stopped digging at him and looked out the window, becoming lost in thought.

The things that she did not dare to think about when she was a teenager had now been met one by one. But, her mood today differed greatly from last time. If this had happened last time, she would have woken up laughing in her dreams. But now, she had mixed emotions about it. It was as though her hatred had interspersed with an indefinable emotion.

The car gradually drove out of the city and toward the remote suburbs. Kisa had no idea where Gilbert was taking her, and she did not ask. Sometimes, she felt like sitting in the car, staring out the window and at the scenery flying past her. This gave her a rare sense of peace. She liked this kind of feeling, where she did not need to think about anything. She even hoped that the car would never stop. But, she knew that the journey would eventually come to an end, as nothing was eternal.

Gilbert parked the car and said to her, “We’re here. Let’s get out of the car.”

Kisa got out of the car and looked around in puzzlement. Then, her eyes widened in


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