Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1029

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1029

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029 Happy Valentine’s Day, My Dear

As far as the eye could see, there was an enormous sea of flowers of all colors. The flowers were all in full bloom, and they were gorgeous in the sunlight. When she got closer, she realized that there were also many daisies and gerberas.

“How did you know about this place?” She looked at Gilbert in surprise.

Seeing her eyes brighten up, Gilbert’s anger instantly subsided. He secretly admitted he was a wuss before her.

“Let’s go.” He took Kisa by the waist and led her into the sea of flowers. There were several elderly farmers working at the nursery. She figured that the elderly might be the ones growing the flowers.

“Welcome, Mr. Kooper,” the elderly farmers greeted.

Kisa looked at Gilbert in amazement. “Everyone here knows you. It looks like you’re a regular here.”

“Ha–ha, little girl. It was Mr. Kooper who instructed us to grow these flowers,” an old farmer said to Kisa in amusement.

“Is GK Pictures venturing into the flower business now?” Kisa’s eyes widened in surprise again.

“Pfft!” The old farmer could not help but laugh. “Mr. Kooper doesn’t care about the flower business. He said that these flowers were planted for his wife. We started planting them in Spring. He said he would bring his wife to see them when they were in full bloom.”

‘For his wife?‘ Kisa looked at Gilbert, and her heart skipped a beat.

Gilbert seemed as though he was embarrassed by her stare. He coughed and

signaled for the two old farmers to shut up.

The two old farmers smiled gleefully and guessed that Kisa must be his wife. “We will leave you to enjoy the flowers. We are going into the melon field.”

“Okay,” Gilbert said.

It was not until the two old farmers had gone far away that Kisa pulled back her and asked, “Are their homes around here?”


“Yeah. There is a village nearby. They stay alone and live in hardship, so I found an errand for them. They can help me plant these flowers. Besides them, there are several other elderly who will take turns to look after the flowers every day.”

Based on Gilbert’s words, it seemed that he created this nursery to aid the elderly. But, there was something she did not understand. ‘If he could be so kind to the elderly of this village, why didn’t he do that to those at Hillsby?‘ Kisa thought to herself, gasping quietly and not daring to think too much as she feared that she would reveal too much emotion.

“Come on. Let’s go inside.” Gilbert smiled at her. He then took her hand and walked further into the nursery.

Being in a sea of flowers seemed to make Kisa forget all her worries and hatred. Looking quietly at the vibrant flowers made her feel much better. Gilbert hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear, “Do you like it? I asked them to plant these. Most of them are your favorite chrysanthemums, which are to make up for the bouquet I didn’t give you when I was young. So, is it enough?”

Kisa did not expect that he still remembered the incident back then. Fighting back the complex emotions that swept through her, she pursed her lips and smiled. “With so many flowers, it’s more than enough. It’s just that I didn’t expect you to be so romantic.”

“There are more that you didn’t expect.” He lifted her chin and kissed her.

Kisa’s heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously shrank back.

He drew his lips close to her ear and said in a sexy, husky voice, “Happy Valentine’s Day, my dear.”

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