Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1030

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1030

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030 I’m Your Husband

Kisa looked at him, and she was transfixed. “W–What did you just call me?”

“My dear,” he answered softly, wrapping his arms tighter and tighter around her. He then covered her lips with his hot, open mouth.

At this moment, Kisa was still in a daze, and she did not avoid him. Perhaps it was because she was in a sea of romantic flowers, as her heart fluttered the moment their lips met. Gilbert closed his eyes, kissing her gently but with great devotion. She stared at him in awe, finding his thick and long eyelashes casting a gentle shadow on his eyelids in the sunlight. She looked at him as if she was looking through him and at the arrogant boy who she had a crush on back then. Kisa slowly lifted her hands and wrapped them around his strong, slender waist. The sea of flowers behind him became the most beautiful background in the world under the sun, so beautiful that it dazzled her eyes. She closed her eyes, not thinking about anything again. She continued to just feel his soft, almost cotton–like lips and get intoxicated by his kisses.

It was already late in the evening when they got back to the city. “If you like chrysanthemums so much, why don’t you pick a few?” Gilbert asked her with amusement in the car.

“They wither quickly after plucking them out. Let them grow in the nursery, then I can go look at them when I feel like it or in a bad mood.”

“Okay.” Gilbert held the steering wheel with one hand and clasped her hand with the other. “That sea of flowers is all yours. I can take you there anytime you want,” he said dotingly.

Kisa pulled her hand back awkwardly. “Keep your eyes on the road. Don’t get distracted.”

Gilbert chuckled, “We already arrived.” As he spoke, he pulled the car to a stop.

She glanced outside through the window and saw a quaint Lyonnaise restaurant.” You said you really want to have Lyonnaise cuisine. This one is good.”

Kisa looked wonderingly at him, who had stepped out of the car. Perhaps it was because of Valentine’s Day that Gilbert was unusually gentle and considerate to her. While she was thinking, he had walked around the front of the car and came to help

the door.

her open

“Let’s go. We are going to dinner, and then we have business to attend to tonight.” He smiled and reached out to help her out.

Kisa was baffled. “Business? Is it company business?” She asked. And then, as if she suddenly realized it, she said, “You have been very busy recently, but you still spent time with me all day today. Let’s go inside. After the meal, you can hurry back to the office. I don’t want to take the blame for obstructing your work.”

Kisa was striding toward the restaurant when Gilbert suddenly pulled her back. He wrapped his arms around her, not minding if people were watching. He then whispered in her ear, “It’s Valentine’s Day, so what business do you think it would be?”

“What is it?” Kisa looked at him, none the wiser.

“Come on,” Gilbert smiled helplessly, wondering why she was such a slowpoke.

“What does the business this evening has to do with Valentine’s Day?” She looked at him with clear, clueless eyes, which made him seem a little evil.

But, there was such a romantic atmosphere tonight, and he did not want to miss this opportunity. He leaned close to her ear and evilly chuckled, “Of course they are related. The night of Valentine’s Day is the perfect time for making out.”

Kisa froze for a couple of seconds before knowing what he meant. She quickly pushed him away. “You rascal.”

Gilbert was amused. “I’m your husband. How am I a rascal?”

Mixed emotions rose within her, and she felt her cheeks burning. She stopped talking to him and walked toward the restaurant.


Suddenly, several people stormed out of the restaurant.

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