Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1031

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1031

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1031

Chapter 1031 There’s No Use Beating Her to Death

Kisa walked too quickly and bumped into the people in front of her. She promptly swayed and fell butt first.

Gilbert was startled. He quickly caught her and pulled her into his chest.

“Why are you in such a rush? It’s not like I’m going to eat you!”

Gilbert spoke in a suggestive tone.

However, Kisa was too distracted to bother. She stared intensely at the three who had just exited the restaurant.

The three were none other than Adrien, Carolyn, and… Christopher.

Christopher did not seem to notice Kisa and kept tugging on Carolyn’s arm. His eyes were bloodshot and brimming with anger.

“You easy b*tch. You’re old and gray, yet you’re secretly spending Valentine’s Day with this man? You’re so shameless!”

Then, he raised his arm and slapped Carolyn.

Christopher was furious, so his slap was hard and forceful.

The force of Christopher’s slap flung Carolyn to the pillar beside them.

But, it was not over yet. Christopher quickly strode up to Carolyn-who was lying by the pillar-and kicked her violently.

Kisa turned to Adrien in shock.

She thought Adrien would stop Christopher’s violent actions. However, to her surprise, he merely stood aside and watched.

Possibly noticing Kisa’s gaze, Adrien finally trudged over to them.

He pulled away Christopher, who was in a rage. Then, he smiled at him. “There’s no use beating Carolyn to death. She and I are truly in love with each other.”

“Truly in love, my *ss! At this age, there’s no true love,” Christopher growled. He glared at Adrien and scoffed, “You may be well-dressed and act like a decent person. But, it turns out, you’re a lowlife who specifically seduces other men’s wives. I’m going to beat you two to a pulp!”

Christopher roared as he raised his hand to slap Adrien.

Before Christopher could slap Adrien, Carolyn promptly stood up and shoved him


“Get lost, you coward! You’re nothing compared to Mr. Tanner. Let me tell you

something: I like him, and I love him. And, I’m not afraid to tell you that he and I slept together long ago, so I’m already his woman!”

“Y-you..” Christopher was so furious that he sputtered, “You shameless b*tch! I’m going to kill you!”

Christopher roared and was prepared to slap Carolyn again.

This time, Carolyn fought back. She wildly flung her arms to block Christopher’s slap.

“Let’s get divorced, Christopher Case. I’ve had enough of you. I want a divorce! And, one more thing, I’ve given my half of The Case Group’s shares to Mr. Tanner. Once we get divorced, I’ll marry him. Meanwhile, you can go die alone, you coward!” Carolyn roared.

She disdainfully threw a spittle at Christopher. Then, she held onto Adrien’s arm and

walked to a car near them.

When Carolyn walked past Kisa, she sneered at her, “Look at that. I have the man who abandoned your mother under my feet, and he’s being humiliated by me. If your mother knew about this, she’d be rolling in her grave! HAHAHA…”

Carolyn’s laughter brimmed with glee.

Kisa abruptly clenched her fists. She was suddenly reminded of her mother’s miserable years, and she felt her heart clenching in pain.

She promptly raised her hand and violently slapped Carolyn. “Even so, you’re nothing compared to my mother.”

Carolyn was in shock after the slap.

‘Christopher can slap me, but this b*stard child is no better than a servant compared to Sharon. She has been dirt under my feet since she was a child, so who is she to slap me?’ she thought.


Carolyn shrieked and stretched her hands toward Kisa’s face, preparing to scratch her.

Gilbert’s gaze darkened. Just as he was about to take action, Carolyn’s hands were pulled aside by another wide hand.

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