Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1032

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1032

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032 Will Your Regret?

It was Adrien Tanner.

He tugged on Carolyn and lowly said, “Alright. Let’s not argue with them. Your face is already beaten up so badly. Come on. I’ll take a look at it in the car.”

Carolyn was very obedient to Adrien’s words.

Upon hearing Adrien’s words, she immediately followed him into the car.

After they left, Kisa finally turned to Christopher.

She saw him squatting next to a pillar, painfully hugging his head.

‘He probably had never been in this much pain, even when my mother died. All I remember is the time my mother fell incredibly ill, and I didn’t have the money to let her see a doctor. I went to the Case residence to borrow some money from him, but I was chased out by the housekeeper just as I got to the door. Even though I shouted” dad” at the door, all I saw was my father and Carolyn walking out of the house together. I ran up to him and grabbed him, telling him that mom was sick and that we didn’t have the money to see a doctor. Just as he was about to give me some money, he pushed me aside heartlessly all because Carolyn said, “she’s just a b*stard child.” Then, he left with Carolyn. Even though my mother recovered on her own at that time, this incident remained a thorn in my flesh, which led to my father and me never being close. After that, the Case family only took me back because of my mother’s will. In her will, she stated that I was truly his daughter. But, despite my mother’s will, he still did a DNA test before accepting me back into the Case family,’ she thought.

‘And yet, what kind of life did I live in the Case residence? On the surface, I was the young lady of the Case family. The truth was, I was no better than a servant. Whenever something happened to Sharon,

father took all his anger out on me. Back then, Sharon would put on an act and pretend to care about me. she’d send me food and drinks and defend me. Little did I know that woman was faking it all. I had always been no better than a servant in Sharon’s eyes. My existence was to enhance Sharon’s greatness,’ she thought again.

Gilbert subconsciously tightened his grip on her hand. Seeing Kisa’s downcast expression, he said, “Sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

Kisa suppressed the thoughts of her unhappy past. She smiled at him and said, “It’s nothing. Come on, let’s go inside.”

Kisa moved her gaze away from Christopher. Then, she walked into the restaurant.

However, Christopher stopped her right after she took a few steps.

He gripped her arms and looked at her through snot and tears. He said in immense remorse, “Kisa, I must’ve been possessed back then. I actually divorced your mother and married that b*tch. Kisa, I wronged your mother! I really regret it, Kisa!”

Kisa peered at him icily, “Will your regret bring my mother back to life?”

Christopher stiffened and said sorrowfully, “But, you can’t blame me entirely for what happened back then. Your mother bottled up her feelings and never told me a thing. That’s why I listened to Carolyn’s incitement and divorced your mother. Your mother was stubborn. She didn’t even say a thing to make me stay. I would’ve never divorced her if she had said something and stopped being so stubborn.”

“Regardless of that, my mother can’t be brought back to life. Since you married Carolyn, you two can do whatever you want. It’s out of my control. Besides, didn’t you tell the media that we’re no longer father and daughter? That being the case, there’s no need for you to tell me all this.”

After Kisa finished speaking, she ignored Christopher and his remorseful cries and dragged Gilbert into the restaurant.novelbin

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