Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1033

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1033

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033 Watching an Animated Film

Nevertheless, Kisa teared up after they entered the restaurant.

She took a deep breath and forcefully kept her tears at bay.

‘I’m not feeling sad for Christopher. Getting sad for a heartless father like him is not worth it. That father of mine only feels remorseful because he has finally seen Carolyn’s true colors. What’s the use of his remorse? After all, my mother is never coming back. I’m feeling sad for my mother. They ruined her life, and she deserved better,’ thought Kisa.

Seeing her reddened eyes, Gilbert felt a twinge in his heart.

He worriedly held the woman in his arms. “Why don’t we go to a different restaurant?”

Kisa shook her head and said, “I’m fine.”

She smiled and turned to Gilbert. “Did you make a reservation ahead of time?”

“Mhm,” he nodded and led her toward their pre-booked private room.

Kisa had a smile but was still in low spirits. She barely ate a thing.

Meanwhile, Gilbert was feeling immense regret.

‘I never should’ve brought her here for dinner. Christopher and Carolyn completely ruined the mood. Those mood killers made Kisa unhappy.’ he thought.

Since Kisa was not in the mood to eat, Gilbert could not stomach anything either.

He watched the woman. She was staring at the food in front of her in a daze, not taking a single bite.

Gilbert smiled at her with a glint in his eyes. “Let’s go for a movie after our meal.”

Kisa promptly lifted her head to meet his gaze. “A movie?”

“Mhm…” Gilbert answered and took out his phone to book the tickets.

He continued, “But, since it’s Valentine’s Day, we’ll have to see if there are any tickets left.”

Kisa gazed at him and suddenly remembered the suggestive things he had said to her in front of the restaurant just now.

She asked in a tentative tone, “You… Didn’t you say we have some business tonight?”

Upon asking, Kisa immediately realized her question seemed as if she was looking

forward to it. At that moment, she wanted to bite off her own tongue.

‘I was only asking to confirm if our “business” is called off,’ she thought.

Gilbert lifted the corner of his lips. Then, he smirked at her, “If you’re so keen about it, we could go back this very instant!”

Kisa hurriedly averted her gaze. She could not stand looking at his smirk.

She responded glumly, “I’m not.”

Gilbert noticed her bad mood and stopped teasing her.

He lowered his gaze and booked tickets on his phone. However, all he found was an animated film-the type meant for children.

The tickets for romance films were completely sold out.

He frowned and said to Kisa, “We’re too late. The tickets are practically sold out. There’s only an animated film with tickets left.”

“We’ll watch the animated film, then.”

Kisa did not want to go home with him that soon.

‘All this man thinks about is pointless things like that. I’ll stall for time for as long as possible. It’ll be best if he’s completely beat when we get home. He’ll wash up and go straight to bed.’

Gilbert peered at the Barney and Friends poster, and the corner of his lips twitched.

“Alright. Animated film it is, then.”

It was Valentine’s Day, so practically all of the couples and married couples were watching romance films. Animated films like Barney and Friends only suited parents with children.

Since children typically did not stay out late, the movie screening was quite early.

After Gilbert and Kisa finished their meal, they rushed to the movies and were just in


Gilbert had never seen movies in the cinema.

He walked around the ticketing hall for a while before mimicking others to retrieve their tickets.

After getting the tickets, he saw many people holding popcorn and sodas, so he also purchased a huge bucket of popcorn and a big cup of soda.

Kisa waited for Gilbert at the lounge. When she saw him appearing with a huge

bucket of popcorn, she immediately burst out laughing.

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