Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1034

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1034

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1034

Chapter 1034 I’m Going to Exhaust Him!

The man’s serious expression made the huge popcorn in his arms look out of place.

‘He even looks a little… cute,’ thought Kisa.

Gilbert walked up to Kisa. He saw the corner of her lips curve upward but did not know what she was thinking. She seemed pretty happy.

‘If she’s happy, I’m happy too,’ he thought.

He handed her the tickets and said, “Let’s enter the venue.”

“Mhm.” Kisa took the tickets.

She peered at the huge bucket of popcorn and asked in amusement, “You didn’t have enough to eat just now?”

“I did.”

“Then, the popcorn…”

“I bought it for you. Isn’t everyone buying it?” Gilbert said and looked around them.

“Mhm…” Kisa nodded and secretly compared the size of their bucket with other people’s. Then, she said to the man, “Was there a need for you to buy such a big bucket?”

‘Thankfully, he’s the one holding it. If I were to hold it instead, it would probably cover my entire face,’ she thought.

‘Oh!’ thought Gilbert.

He was startled.

“I just told them to get me the biggest bucket. I didn’t expect it to be this big.”

Kisa was speechless.

She walked toward the entrance with their tickets.

Meanwhile, Gilbert quickly caught up to her.

Once they entered the venue, Kisa realized that they practically had the entire hall to themselves.

There were only two of them in the screening hall.

‘Everyone must be spending Valentine’s Day and watching a movie more appropriate

for this day,’ Kisa thought.

Gilbert felt even more pleased without others around them.

Right after they sat down, he held the woman’s small hand tightly and was reluctant to let go.

Kisa tried to retract her hand a few times, but the man’s grip was too tight, so her attempts were to no avail.

There was a sound, and the movie started.

Kisa whispered to him, “Alright. Hurry up and let go of me. The movie’s starting.”

However, Gilbert acted as if he did not hear her.

He leaned into the chair and narrowed his eyes, “You can watch the movie while I get some shut-eye.”

Kisa frowned, “You’re tired?”


“Then, why aren’t you watching? Are you not interested in this movie?”

Gilbert opened his eyes and glanced at her before quickly closing them again. Then, he smirked mischievously, “I need to get some rest. Otherwise, how will I energy for tonight?”

Kisa was speechless again.

‘It looks like he still hasn’t given up on tonight’s plan,’ she thought.

Suddenly, Kisa had an idea. She purposefully said to him in a disappointed tone,” Even though I do want to watch this animated film, watching it alone isn’t fun. Let’s go if you don’t want to watch it.”

Then, she stood up as if she wanted to leave.

Gilbert quickly pulled her back.

He smiled at her in resignation. “Alright. I won’t sleep. I’ll watch it with you.”

Kisa smiled.

‘I’m going to exhaust him!’ she thought.

The sceneries in the movie were stunning, and the characters were adorable. Kisa enjoyed watching the movie.

Meanwhile, Gilbert had no interest in the childish cartoon.

Even though he did not feel sleepy initially, the film made him drowsy, and he continuously yawned.

Since he promised Kisa that he would watch the movie till the end, he forced his eyes to stay open.

However, he could not resist his immense drowsiness as he watched the childish and boring movie plot, especially when the screening hall was dimly lit.

Gilbert was so sleepy that he kept on nodding off.

Kisa kept on glancing at Gilbert. Whenever she noticed the man almost fell asleep, she would seemingly and inadvertently cough. Then, the man would quickly immediately wake up, put on a refreshed expression, and peer at the large movie


Kisa was amused by his actions.

On the other hand, Gilbert never expected himself to go to the movies to watch such a childish and boring movie.

Gilbert finally made it to the end of the movie.

Just as the lights in the hall lit up, the man instantly stood up, rejuvenated, “Come on. Let’s go home.”

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