Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1035

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1035

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1035

Chapter 1035 Waiting for Her to Enter The Lion’s Den

Kisa held her unfinished soda conflictedly.

“I don’t want to go home yet,” she whispered.

Gilbert glanced at his wristwatch and frowned, “It’s almost ten o’clock. What do you want to do if you don’t want to go home?”

“I… I’m hungry. I want some supper!”

Gilbert glanced at the bucket of popcorn that was practically untouched.

“You’re… Hungry?” he asked doubtfully.

“Mhm!” Kisa nodded furiously, “Let’s have some meat skewers.”

Gilbert crossed his arms across his chest and side-eyed her. “I assume you’re not trying to exhaust me because you’re worried that I’ll do something to you when we get home?”

Kisa laughed awkwardly, “How could I? You’re so strong your energy could never be depleted.”

“You bet!” the man snorted. However, he still agreed to her request. “Alright. We’ll go

for meat skewers.”

It was Valentine’s Day, so the streets were packed with people even at this hour.

Gilbert led Kisa to an alley. The alley was crowded from one end to the other.

The food stalls there were practically overflowing with people. The two searched for a long time until they finally found an empty table.

Gilbert ordered a lot of food.

Their food arrived one after another. Kisa was already full before all of their food


After all, she was never hungry from the start.

Seeing how the woman could no longer stomach anything yet continued to eat, Gilbert did not expose her.

He took a sip of alcohol. When he saw Kisa forcefully eating the meat skewers, he could not help but laugh, “Aren’t you hungry? Eat up. There’s still plenty of food


“Oh… Okay…” Kisa answered.

Then, she lowered her head and continued eating her meat skewer.

Kisa usually loved eating meat skewers. However, she had so much of it today that she would not want to have any in a while.

She turned to the man. He was looking at her with an energetic look as if he was waiting for her to enter the lion’s den.

Kisa lowered her head. Suddenly, she had an idea.

She promptly lifted her gaze to meet the man’s, “Isn’t it Valentine’s Day today?”

Gilbert nodded, “Why?”

“Then, why didn’t you give me flowers? Look! Every single woman here has received flowers.”

Gilbert smiled slightly. “Wasn’t gifting you a sea of flowers enough?”

“They’re not the same. How could they be the same? I can’t hold a sea of flowers in my hands and brag about it. I’m empty-handed. People will think that I didn’t get flowers on Valentine’s Day. How embarrassing is that?”

Gilbert nodded his head in amusement. “Alright, alright. I’ll go get them now.”

“Mhm. But, you need to get them yourself, not your subordinates. Otherwise, it’ll

seem insincere.”

“Alright, alright.”

Gilbert knew what she was doing, but he still did not expose her. Instead, he stood up and walked out of the alley.

Kisa gazed at his retreating back. Then, she subconsciously smiled.

On their way here, Kisa had already observed their surroundings.

‘At this hour, the flower stalls by the streets are practically sold out, let alone the florists. It’s impossible for him to get any fresh flowers,’ she thought.

Kisa stopped forcing herself to eat the meat skewers after the man left.

She leaned into the chair and leisurely scrolled through her phone.

It was Valentine’s Day, so her phone screen was filled with displays of affection.

Kisa only scrolled for a while before she felt bored. Just as she lifted her head, she saw two familiar figures.

‘Huh?! Isn’t that Davian and Felicity? Davian is such a liar. He’s always acting like he doesn’t like Felicity and her being around him. And, what do you know? He’s here to spend Valentine’s with her,’ she thought.

The two were walking in Kisa’s direction.

She quickly lowered her head, fearing they would recognize her.

The two walked past her and sat at the table behind her.

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