Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1036

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1036

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1036

Chapter 1036 Eavesdropping on Their Argument

“You didn’t prepare a romantic candlelight dinner, and you brought me here to crowd- watch? How insincere of you, Davian. For goodness sake, it’s Valentine’s Day!”

Davian defended himself in an aggrieved tone. “I can’t cook, and the restaurants are all overcrowded. So, I have no choice but to bring you here. Besides, there’s a variety of food here for you to try.”

“Can’t you learn ahead of time if you don’t know how to cook? Couldn’t you have booked a private room ahead of time if the restaurants were overcrowded? You’re insincere. Stop making excuses. It’ll only make you look more guilty!”

The two started arguing the moment they sat down.

This time, Kisa was on Felicity’s side.

‘That’s right. It’s Valentine’s Day. Since you’ve decided to spend it with her, you need to be more sincere. Take a look at Gilbert; he knew he had to book a private room ahead of time. Davian’s genuinely lacking compared to Gilbert. Even though Gilbert’s probably faking it… Davian isn’t faking it, even for a little, so how’s he going to make a girl happy? It’s no wonder he’s been single since he was born,’ thought Kisa.

Davian continued defending himself. “You didn’t even tell me you wanted to spend Valentine’s with me ahead of time. You only told me just now.”

“Hah…” Felicity laughed icily, “And, you have the gall to bring this up. You knew today was Valentine’s Day, yet you didn’t think of asking me out? I had to make a move myself. Are you or are you not a man?”

Kisa facepalmed. She also thought Davian had messed up.

‘Since he likes Felicity and has slept with her, then he should be more sincere. Why did he let her make the first move? Serves him right for being single!’ thought Kisa.

Davian felt exasperated and wronged, so he did not speak.

Then, Felicity asked, “Where are the flowers?”

Davian responded quietly, “I don’t have any; they’re all sold out. I went to many florist shops, and even the flower stalls by the streets. They’re all sold out.”

“That’s an excuse. How could the flowers be sold out this early? Besides, couldn’t you have bought them ahead of time? Even if you don’t have a use for them, there’s no harm in buying a bouquet or a single stalk of flowers, right?”

Felicity’s criticism was extremely harsh.

However, Kisa actually found that her words made sense.

‘A person who’s truly single has a plausible excuse not to know about having to buy flowers. But, Davian and Felicity had already gotten intimate. They seemed to be in a relationship, yet Davian didn’t even think of preparing something. He deserves to be criticized,’ Kisa thought.

Davian felt even more wronged. “They’re really sold out. Besides, flowers are really popular today. Even if I bought them ahead of time, I wouldn’t necessarily be able to get any.”

“Hahaha…” Felicity’s laugh grew icier. “You said you couldn’t find any, then… how did Gilbert Kooper find them?”

‘Gilbert Kooper?’ Kisa wondered.

She froze and quickly lifted her head. As expected, she saw Gilbert holding a large bouquet of roses and walking toward her. novelbin

The man had outstanding looks, a tall physique, and an air of elegance.

Now that he was holding a bouquet of flowers, he stood out even more among the bustling crowds in the alley.

Gilbert’s gaze was fixed on her. He walked up to Kisa and handed her the bouquet of roses, “Happy Valentine’s Day, my wife.”

‘This is his second time calling me his wife. The first time I heard him say it, I was completely startled. It felt as if he wasn’t talking to me. Now that I’m hearing it again, I can’t stop my heart from skipping a beat. I have to admit; this man is a pro in the game of love. I always can’t help myself from falling for him. So what if I admit that I’m touched? I’m still going to take my revenge!’ thought Kisa.

Suddenly, Felicity leaned over.

Felicity flashed her an ingenuine smile. “Oh? It’s really you. I was wondering why you looked so familiar.”

Kisa smiled awkwardly. “Yeah. What a coincidence!”

“What were you doing just now? Davian and I were arguing intensely, but you were completely silent. Were you pretending not to know us?”

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