Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1037

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1037

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037 Even I’m Reluctant To Scold My Woman

“Why would it?” Kisa said with a surprised smile, “We were the ones who invited them, so we were embarrassed to interrupt the both of you.”

“Mm, If Davian and I were to argue, you’d be too embarrassed to interrupt too.”

Felicity laughed as her gaze fell onto the big bouquet of roses, ” Oh, these flowers are so dazzling. Mr. Kooper, where did you buy them? Someone said that all the flowers at the florist have been sold out!”

Davian stared at Gilbert glumly, “You really are the greatest. You even brought such a big bouquet of roses here for fear of others not knowing how great you are!”

Gilbert squinted his eyes and glared back at him, “Who else can you blame except yourself for not having the ability to coax and make women happy?!”

Gilbert was ultimately his superior. All it took was one chilly glance from Gilbert for Davian to immediately became a wimp. He merely went over and sat down.

He looked at the flowers in Kisa’s arms, but the words he said were meant for Felicity, “Mr. Kooper, these flowers must have been prepared beforehand, right? Or you must’ve had subordinates run all over Calthon to buy them.”

Gilbert leaned back into the chair and huffed coolly, “As luck would have it, I went to a few florists by myself just now and bought these flowers.”

Felicity immediately glared at Davian, “You didn’t have the heart to do it, and you still have the audacity to be jealous of someone else!”

Desperate to prove his innocence, Davian angrily looked at Gilbert, but asked very carefully, “This shouldn’t be. Haven’t all the flowers at all the florists been sold out?”

Gilbert chuckled while glancing at Davian, “Have you gone to all the florists in Calthon? Besides, as long as you have the will, what can’t be bought?”

Davian still tried to defend himself. Felicity stared daggers back at him,

“Just shut up. You never had the will to see it through!” novelbin

“I… What do you mean I don’t have the will? You said to come and accompany you for Valentine’s Day, so I came here in an instant. What else should I do then? Doesn’t that count as having the will?”

“You just don’t have the will, scumbag. Sleeping with me and still not wanting to take responsibility.”

“Y-y-you’re blabbering nonsense. Stop mentioning the incident from that night.”

“You guys hear that? After taking advantage of me, he doesn’t allow me to mention it. If he isn’t a scumbag, what is he?”

Kisa watched the both of them fight with a headache. In the end, she could not help but say to Davian, “You’re in the wrong too. You’re not treating ladies with sincerity. Since you and Felicity have this type of relationship, then you should face it and go take responsibility.”

“That’s right, wahh…,” Felicity said while still hugging Kisa’s arm and wailing in grievance.

Davian was anxious and growled at Kisa, “How am I not being sincere? I…”

“Mmm?” Davian had just growled a single sentence at Kisa when Gilbert coldly glared at him, “Have you really grown some guts and a pair of b*lls? Even I’m reluctant to scold my woman, and you still dare to growl at her?!”

“No, Mr. Kooper. I… I was just suddenly anxious, so my voice unconsciously became louder. It wasn’t actually shouting at.the madam…,” Davian quickly explained.

Felicity coldly huffed at him, then cried about it to Gilbert, “He doesn’t just shout at your woman. He even shouts at me at every turn, Gilbert. These past few years of our friendship have been in vain. You actually introduced such a cranky scumbag to me.


Gilbert said to Felicity emotionlessly, “Since it’s so difficult for both of you to get along, you should break up. It was I, the matchmaker, who failed it.”

He finished speaking and pulled Kisa toward him, “If both of you want to fight, then continue to fight. I’m not going to waste my precious time on you two.”

After finishing his speech, he just dragged Kisa and walked away, leaving Felicity and Davian to stare at each other.

In the car, Kisa hugged the bouquet of flowers and smiled at Gilbert, saying, “You did the matchmaking, and Davian is also your special assistant. Why did you not help him a bit just now, and you even brought such a large bouquet of flowers to humiliate him?”

“Davian is like a log. If I don’t force him a little, he’ll never understand what love truly is.”

Kisa stared at his side profile without blinking and thought, ‘What’s he going on

about Davian not knowing what love is? Does he himself even know anything about love?’

Gilbert started the car and said, “Thankfully, it was Felicity. Any other woman would have furiously walked off instead.

Kisa subconsciously glanced at the alley, not talking. Gilbert did not bring her back to the Kooper family home. Instead, he brought her to his own villa.

Kisa stayed in the car stubbornly and stalled, unwilling to get out of the car. Gilbert opened the door at her side and chuckled, “Do you want to get out of the car yourself, or do you want me to carry you out?”

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