Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1039

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1039

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039 What’s That Medicine? Show Me

Davian listened to his subordinate’s report and hurriedly got up to put on his clothes. Felicity glumly stared at him, “What happened?”

Davian ignored her, as if he did not hear her question. In a flash, he got dressed. He picked up his phone and dashed toward the door before remembering Felicity’s


He promptly said to Felicity with regret, “S… something happened at the company. I’m going over to handle it.’

Felicity’s face fell, and she pulled over the blanket to cover herself and huffed coldly,” Go then. Go, and don’t come back!”

“Okay, then you should get some rest,” Davian finished speaking, and closed the door, foolishly presuming that he was being considerate and gentlemanly toward her.

Watching the closed door, Felicity furiously threw a cup at it.

“Davian, you prick. Don’t you even dream of ever touching me again in the future!”

Kisa woke up at midnight and felt very thirsty. The man next to her was sleeping soundly. Kisa moved away his hand from her waist, and then got up to put on a nightgown before walking out of the room. She was unfamiliar with Gilbert’s private residence, but fortunately, the structure of the rooms was similar to that of the Kooper family home.

Kisa came downstairs and just poured a glass of water before she suddenly thought of something. She hurriedly walked to the door to look for her bags. Gilbert had been so impatient earlier. Right after

entering through the door, he had started to…

Her bag was left at the foot of the wall by the door. She walked over and opened her bag. Inside was a bottle of contraceptive pills that Kisa had bought in secret.

She knew she could not count on Gilbert taking any precautionary measures, so she could only do it herself. She went back to the sofa and swallowed the pills along with some water. Gilbert’s low, hoarse voice suddenly came from the corridor.

Kisa subconsciously hid the pill away and replied to him, “It’s nothing, just vitamins.”

Gilbert harshly furrowed his eyebrows. His sharp gaze tightly locked onto the tiny bottle gripped tightly in her hands. Kisa shrank further back into her chair and could not help but hide her hands behind her back.

It wasn’t that she was afraid of him. It was just that, at that moment, she did not

want to see Gilbert angry since every time he got angry, he would punish her,

Until Gilbert got close, then only did Kisa discover that he had already been appropriately dressed as if about to go out. She looked at the hanging clock on the wall out of instinct. It was around two in the morning.

She could not help but ask, “You’re going out at this time? Did something happen?”

“Mm. Company affairs,” Gilbert answered but did not forget the bottle of pills in her


He bent down, placing both hands on her sides, “What is that medicine? Show me.”

His voice was still quite gentle. Kisa hesitated a bit and still shook her head, “Just normal vitamins. You should go quickly and handle your things.”

“You really won’t show me?” Gilbert’s face fell slightly.

Kisa was still hesitating. Gilbert suddenly stretched out his hand and went around to her back. With a swift move, he grabbed the bottle of pills out of her hands.

“Eh!” Kisa gave a shriek, but Gilbert had already stood up straight. His deeply sunken eyes suddenly became sharp and wicked when looking at the bottle’s explanation.

“Kisa, you really ate these pills?!”

Kisa hung her head and made no sound. Since he was about to go out anyway, she would just let him scold her until he was satisfied.

“How badly do you not want to bear a child for me, huh?” Gilbert was furious. He had assumed that when she had mentioned contraceptive pills previously, it had just been a figure of speech. He had not thought that this woman would really take them. novelbin

‘The side effects of this drug are severe. Kisa’s sacrificing her own health just to avoid bearing a child for me. Then, what about the child that she gave birth to before? What was it to her? Gilbert thought.

He continued his thoughts, ‘Did she really get pregnant just to marry into the Kooper family and to conveniently blackmail me? If not for her goals, would she not be willing to give birth to my child at all?’

Thinking of this, Gilbert’s expression immediately turned sinister and malicious.

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