Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1040

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1040

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040 His So-Called Crazy Actions

Gilbert immediately grabbed Kisa’s throat and gritted his teeth, growling disappointedly, “Since the start, what have I been to you in your heart?”

Kisa was afraid that Gilbert would lose his mind and hurt her in anger. Hence, she tried to explain herself. “You shouldn’t misunderstand. Last time, I said my current status and situation are unsuitable for bearing children.”

“Not unsuitable but unwilling. You’re afraid the baby’s sudden arrival would destroy your plan of getting close to me, right?”

Kisa widened her eyes widely and hurriedly shook her head, “Of course not. What are you blabbering about?”

Gilbert was only trying to probe by purposely speaking like that just now. However, Kisa’s reaction made his heart heavy and anxious. He forcefully swung Kisa onto the sofa. Gilbert suppressed his anger and said, “You’d better not be lying to me. If not, I

won’t know what crazy actions I would resort to.”

Gilbert’s voice was calm, as if not having any emotion. Yet Kisa inexplicably felt a chill down her spine. He looked at her intensely, then exited the house with giant strides. Kisa stared at the empty entrance in a daze while his heart felt extremely


Gilbert, when he was being ruthless, was actually terrifying. However, how could she be afraid of him? There was so much hatred between them. Kisa could not be scared

of him and could only hate him.

His so-called crazy actions were merely life-and-death situations. It was only her life that was at stake, so she was not afraid. The car started and drove into the night.

Gilbert gripped the steering wheel tightly. Davian’s words lingered in his ears. “Mr. Kooper, the company has met with an incident. The losses are severe, and I’ve checked. This incident is connected to your wife.”

Just when he received Davian’s call, he was still trying to find an excuse for Kisa and forbid Davian from talking about her in a bad light. He thought Kisa was careless and unintentionally caused this loss. However, the moment he saw Kisa secretly ingest the contraceptive pill with his own eyes, his firm beliefs deep down suddenly became slightly hilarious.

If she truly loved him, why would she rather eat contraceptive pills that hurt her health than bear his children? The only explanation was that she was afraid the accidental arrival of the child would sabotage her plans.

Especially since the company was facing a crisis, these two points forced Gilbert to suspect her sudden change in attitude and her true intentions for returning to his side.

Initially, when she had returned to his side at the very start, he had forced himself not to think so much and not fuss too much. Yet he was losing more and more control of his inner thoughts and feelings now.

After Gilbert left at midnight, he did not come back again. For the last half of the night, Kisa slept on the sofa. When she woke up, it was eight in the morning.

Kisa got up to wash and then waited at the main entrance for her ride. She wanted to take a cab to the production studio. However, after waiting for a long while, there was not a single cab. It was apparent this was a high-end private property residential area.. Regular cabs would not enter here.

She went back to the yard. She was thinking about how to get to the production studio when she suddenly noticed the car that Gilbert had driven off at midnight still parked in the yard. It was just that when he left last night furiously, he clearly drove this car! She actually saw it with her own eyes.

‘Why would that car still be here? Could Gilbert have come back during the last half of the night? But I slept in the living room. I would have known if Gilbert indeed came

back once he entered the house. Unless Gilbert did not enter the house,’ Kisa


Thinking of this, a guess was floating in her mind,’ After he came back during the back half of the night, could he have stayed inside the car all along?’

When she thought of this, she hurriedly walked toward the car…

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