Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1042

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1042

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042 You’re Not Worthy

She walked to the front of the CEO’s office as she was familiar with the layout. Kisa looked around the office hall in suspicion. Usually, when she came over, the

employees would secretly insult and talk about her behind her back. <

Why was it so quiet today? All of them were doing their work while hanging their head. The atmosphere seemed unexpectedly eerie.

Could it be that Gilbert warned them before and forbade them from insulting Kisa among themselves?

Kisa shook her head and did not think more of it. She pushed open the CEO’s office door and went in. When she entered, the office immediately erupted into waves of quiet discussion.

“I heard that our losses this time were really heavy. It’s all that Kisa’s fault.”

“I truly don’t know what Mr. Kooper was thinking. There are so many women out there who are so much smarter and more beautiful than her. Why does Mr. Kooper always protect her?”

“Her seduction tactics and sexual charm are too good. Anyways, GK Pictures is going to be ruined her this time.

Kisa stood in the CEO’s office and gave a glance around. There was no one inside. She sat on the sofa for a while, but Gilbert still did not appear.

Just as she was about to stand up and ask the secretary where Gilbert had gone, she saw Davian walking in carrying a pile of files. Davian acted as if not he did not see her and arranged the files onto the desk properly, and then turned around to prepare to go back.

Kisa dipped her head to look at herself, baffled. Could it be that she had suddenly obtained the ability to turn invisible?

Watching Davian pull open the door to go out, Kisa hurriedly shouted for him,” Davian!”

Then only Davian stopped in his steps but asked her with a face filled with impatience, “What’s the matter?”

Seeing Davian’s attitude, Kisa subconsciously furrowed his brows. This Davian did not learn anything else but the terrible temperament of his boss. He had known it to the fullest.

“All of GK Pictures is very busy at the moment. If you have no issues, then go back and get some rest. Don’t stay here and disturb everyone’s work!” Davian’s tone was filled with resentment and disdain.

Kisa felt despondent. Being despised by Gilbert, she still felt nothing from it. But she was actually being despised by Davian. Davian usually would not treat her with this attitude, but something definitely has happened.

Thinking of this, Kisa asked him, “What about Gilbert?”

“Mr. Kooper is not here!”

“I know he’s not here. I just wanted to ask you, where is he?”

Davian scrunched his whole face and did not answer. His entire body oozed out much resentment. Kisa looked at him confused, “What happened to you? Did you get scolded by Gilbert again?”

Davian still did not answer. Kisa tried to comfort him, “That’s alright. Gilbert, he is that type of person. His temperament s weird and unpredictable. Once his mood is not good, he just takes it out on the people around him. After so many years, you would be fine as long as you get used to it.”

“Enough!” Kisa had just finished talking when Davian immediately roared at her angrily.

“What qualifications do you have to speak of Mr. Kooper like that?! Mr. Kooper has done so much for you. Even though you’ve made such a big mess now, he did not say anything bad about you., He even forbade us to discuss it, yet what about you? You only know about Mr. Kooper’s wrongs. You are fundamentally not worthy of becoming Mr. Kooper’s woman and not worthy of being the madam for GK Pictures!”

Hearing his roar, Kisa’s face fell, “Davian, did you eat gunpowder? You dare scream at me?!”

‘Wait, he just said that I made a big mess. What does he mean?’

She furrowed her brows and stared at Davian, asking severely, “What happened? What did I do?”

“Hmph!” Davian angrily huffed, then went to open the door and leave.

Kisa dragged him back with a pull, “Tell me now, what mess did I actually make? Also, where is Gilbert? I want to see him!”

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