Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1043

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1043

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1043

Chapter 1043 He Loves You

“You can’t see Mr. Kooper anymore!” Davian said bitterly. Kisa looked at him with a deep gaze. “I can’t see him? What do you mean?” She asked. Davian lifted his head irritably as if he did not want to talk to her.

Kisa was mad. She patted him on the shoulder and said, “Well? Say something!”

“Sigh. Mr. Kooper is on a business trip, and I don’t know when he will be back.”

“A business trip?”

‘He never mentioned a business trip before. Something urgent must’ve come up,’ she thought. Kisa knew that there was a problem in the company because Gilbert would not have left hurriedly in the middle of the night. Moreover, Davian telling her that she had made a huge mess further confirmed that the problem was related to her.

Kisa could not help but panic when she thought about it. “What happened at the company, and what does it have to do with me? Tell me!” She quickly glanced at Davian and said. Davian pursed his lips in anger and did not say a word.

Kisa was annoyed. “If you pity him that much, then tell me what happened. I can’t feel sorry for Gilbert if I don’t know what’s going on,” she said.

“Ugh!” Davian stomped his feet angrily and said, “The contract you signed caused trouble for GK Pictures. Several hidden clauses in that contract were not in favor of GK. I don’t know why you would sign that contract. You literally dug a grave for GK.” “Wait, what? The contract I signed?” Kisa suddenly remembered that Shaun had asked her to sign an agreement. “I did sign a contract, but isn’t it

considered null since I’m the only one on there? Didn’t Gilbert say it needs to be stamped to be a valid contract?” She subconsciously asked.

“Yeah, but when J & K Film Group moved here, Mr. Kooper said that your original stamp is still valid to facilitate your handling of things. So, you and Shaun did not need his permission for some things. He gave you great power. But, I didn’t expect you to take advantage of J & K merging with GK to sign an agreement that is not good for GK Pictures with another company.”

Kisa froze when she heard what Davian had said.

“I was even wondering if you gave J & K Film Group to Mr. Kooper because you wanted to take the opportunity to harm GK Pictures,” Davian said sadly and indignantly.

Kisa shook her head and said in disbelief, “Why would someone as smart as Gilbert

give me such power? I mean… He should have guessed that I would’ve done something like that. Why would he give me a power that is equal to his? If I really wanted to bring GK down, I could just go around signing contracts with other companies. There’s no way he didn’t foresee a scenario like this. He is Gilbert Kooper. How could he be so careless?!”

“That’s because he loves you. He thinks that you are more important to him than GK and that you would never betray him. But, look at what happened…” Davian stared at Kisa with great disappointment. “Mr. Kooper repeatedly emphasized that you can’t know about this. He thinks that your signing on that contract was just an unintentional mistake. He even got mad whenever anyone talked sh*t about you.”

Kisa unsteadily took two steps back. It was unknown whether her face turned pale because of the shock she was experiencing or something else.

“How could it be a mistake? Your name is on that contact. I’m sure you read through

the terms and conditions. You must’ve agreed with them and signed it,” Davian said dejectedly.

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