Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1044

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1044

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044 Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You

Davian could not help but look at Kisa with resentment when he talked to her. “No matter what we tell Mr. Kooper, he refuses to believe that you would betray him. Everyone says he is a clever and capable man, but he is a complete fool who lies to himself in front of you.”

Kisa could not utter a single response when she was faced with Davian’s condemnation. She was shocked, confused, and angry. Davian stared at her like he was staring at a stranger and said, “At first, I thought you still had feelings for Mr. Kooper. I thought that you still loved him. But this incident has made it clear that you don’t. No matter how kind Mr. Kooper treats you, you are still indifferent to his actions. Do you know that during the five years you were so-called ‘dead’, he went to your grave every day, drunk, and kept shouting your name?”

‘How could that be true???’ Kisa was baffled. ‘That man was the one who wanted me dead. How could he possibly show such affection for me during all those years? What in the world is going on? Did Davian say that on purpose just to make me feel guilty?’ Kisa’s thoughts were all over the place, and she almost lost all judgment.

Only two truths appeared in her mind-one was that Gilbert loved her and had nothing to do with everything terrible that had happened to her, while the other was that he did not love her at all and wanted her dead, and the affection that he showed was just an act to deal with Jensen and her.

Kisa did not know which to believe. Every time she thought that the other was the truth, when all her emotions broke loose, and she planned on how to get revenge, someone came and overthrew everything she believed in.

The stark contrast in both truths made Kisa feel exhausted and miserable. Sometimes, Kisa felt that the revenge she planned was a joke. She held her head in agony and asked, “Where did Gilbert say he went for the business trip?”

“Who knows? He left in a hurry. When he was leaving, he was afraid that you wouldn’t have a car to use the next day. So, he insisted on driving the car back here and asked me to take him to the airport,” Davian said with a sad tone.

A pang of pain shot through Kisa’s heart uncontrollably when she heard that, and a teardrop finally fell from her eyes. Davian looked at her and said, “Mrs. Kooper, I’m begging you, even if you don’t have feelings for Mr. Kooper, please don’t hurt him.”

Kisa did not answer. Instead, she just shook her head senselessly. Davian did not bother to tell her off anymore. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Mrs. Kooper,” he said and went out the door.

Kisa slumped down on the couch in a daze. She rested her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands. ‘Should I trust the facts before me, or should I go with my heart? I can’t believe he gave me that kind of power. Does he really trust me that much?’ Suddenly, a sharp pain arose in her heart again as she remembered how Gilbert had stormed out in the middle of the night. ‘He already knew about the contract, but he didn’t tell me about it, nor did he reprimand me,’ she thought.

Kisa took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling with her bloodshot eyes as she thought, ‘What kind of a person are you, Gilbert Kooper?’

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