Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1045

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1045

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045 She Became A Villain

Gilbert could be extremely affectionate and cold to Kisa, but Kisa did not know which side of him was real. So much so that she never dared to fully believe the

affectionate side of him. She stared at the ceiling in a daze for a long time and got up to walk out of the room.

By the time she was out of the CEO’s office, she had already packed up all her emotions. She could still hear the discussions in the hallway the moment she opened the door, but they abruptly stopped when she walked out. Kisa looked around and felt the resentment in those people’s eyes. She was now a villain in GK Pictures, and Shaun was the one to blame.

Kisa had a special type of trust in Shaun when she signed the contract because he was Jensen’s assistant. She had read the most important part of the agreement, but the document was too thick. So, she just scanned through it. Moreover, Shaun kept urging her to sign it, which caused her to be careless.

‘Now that I think about it, Shaun tricked me. He must have had his eyes on me the moment I entered the building. Gilbert and Jensen’s secretaries never told me the meeting would be held until 6:00 p.m. That means Shaun must’ve lied about it!’ Kisa was angry and annoyed after she looked into the matter. She thought she was clever, but she was actually being used.

The entire management team of J & K Film Group was on the 16th floor of the building, four floors away from the CEO’s office of GK Pictures. Although the logo on the door belonged to GK, the whole floor was dedicated to J & K. It was the first time Kisa came to this floor. Shaun had his own office there. Kisa had one too, but because she was busy filming. So, she seldom went in there. Hence, Shaun took care of everything that was going on in the office.

Kisa did not know much about Shaun, but she felt that he was not a bad person and would not be too ambitious to try anything since he worked for Jensen. However, it seemed that she was wrong, and Shaun was an ambitious, back-stabbing man.

When she arrived at Shaun’s office, she knocked on the door. “Come in,” Shaun soon voiced out before Kisa opened the door and went in. Shaun, who was smoking a cigarette on the chair, quickly stood up when he saw that it was Kisa. “Mrs. Kooper!” He called out in respect.

Kisa looked at him, sizing him up from top to bottom. Shaun was tall and massive. His skin was fair, and he wore glasses, making him look like a gentle giant. However, his actions did not seem to be so.

Shaun felt a little guilty after being examined by Kisa. “What can I do for you, Mrs. Kooper?” he asked with a smile.

Kisa looked around the office and walked to the window. She looked at Shaun and said, “Do you like it here so far?”

“Yeah. It’s easier to talk to Mr. Kooper whenever there are any problems, and the people here are nice.”

‘What an act,’ Kisa sneered in her mind. Everyone in GK knew about the agreement. she did not believe that Shaun did not know about it. She looked at him with a sharp gaze and uttered, “Why didn’t you tell me that Gilbert said our previous stamp from J & K was valid, and as long as my signature and the stamp are there, the contract we signed is valid on behalf of GK?”

There was no hint of panic on the man’s face. “Huh?! Didn’t Mr. Kooper tell you?” he asked in surprise.

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