Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1057

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1057

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057 The Secret in The Letter

The third letter was sent very long after the second letter.

Kisa unfolded the letter.

[Jensen, I have good news for you. I’ve finally gained a lot of power and money from the Mullen family. Just be patient. I’ll come and get you after I have everything else. arranged.

Be very cautious when you’re with the Koopers. Madalyn is a very skeptical person. Remember not to overachieve anything in front of her. Otherwise, she’d think that you’re trying to take their family’s wealth away from her grandson.

Keep this in mind. They’re all bad people. They only took you in because they did not want to be labeled as heartless by others. They’re just pretending to be your family. You’ll never be better than Gilbert, no matter how excellent you are. Just wait. Madalyn is going to do the same to you as she did to me.

However, you don’t have to be scared. I’m a different man now. Just remember that I’ll back you up if Madalyn really did make you leave the country.

I’m going to visit the Webb family in Oceanville soon. See you.]

‘The Webb family?’

Kisa got even more confused. She had no clue what David had to do with the Webb family at all.

The more she read about the letters, the more mysterious David became to her.

However, David did mention his whereabouts in the letter.

So, she went to look for the other letters, expecting to find David from there.

But, disappointingly, the rest of the letters were written by Jensen.

Jensen wrote the letters to David, but he did not send them out because he did not know David’s address.

Jensen mentioned that Madalyn was not as wicked as his father described her to be. He also mentioned that she and Gilbert treated him really well, and he did not want to hate them.

He even expressed how much he missed David. He longed for fatherly love, and he hated David.

Jensen also said that his mother passed away because of how heartless David was.

Kisa felt heartbroken as she read the letters Jensen wrote.

His feelings for Madalyn and Gilbert were genuine.

She saw her name in the letter when she was about to fold it back.

She paused before she hurriedly read the contents of the letter.

[I fell in love with a girl. Her name is Kisa Becker.]

Kisa froze in place.

‘How is this possible?

‘Jensen loves me?!


‘But, he told me that I’m like a sister to him, and he even wanted me and Gilbert to be together.’

Kisa calmed herself down and continued reading.

[However, I know she’s the daughter of Emilia. I hate Emilia, but I can’t bring myself to hate Kisa. Dad, don’t you think it’s funny?

Her mother stole my father’s heart, yet I’m in love with her. How ironic, huh?]

Kisa sat down on the floor in shock.

It turned out that Jensen knew about what happened between David and Emilia all along. And, Jensen hated Emilia for that too.

[However, I found out that Gilbert likes her too. As you said, grandma is still biased, after all. She could tell that I had fallen for Kisa, yet she purposely asked me if Kisa and Gilbert would make a good match.

And I said yeah!

Indeed, I’m nothing compared to Gilbert. How can I ever be good enough to compete with him for a girl we both love?

However, I still don’t want to hate them for this because they’re the ones that made me feel loved. I’ll just give up on her if Gilbert loves her. I’ll give them all my blessings.]

Kisa froze after reading that.

She did not even realize the letter had fallen out of her hand and dropped to the floor.

Judging by the date written on the letter, Kisa could guess that Jensen was probably still living with the Kooper family when he wrote that.


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