Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1056

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1056

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056 Envelopes

Nearly all of the pictures were photos of David and Kisa’s mother together.

Some of them were even taken in the village, and her mother was holding a baby in her arms.

The pictures matched the things that her mother wrote in her diary.

Emilia once secretly gave birth to a baby boy in the village when she was together with David. And, they spent a great time with each other there.

However, she just could not figure out why David did not marry Emilia despite the fact that he loved her, and they even had a child together. Instead, Carolyn got the chance to set Emilia up and make her marry Christopher.

She found a strange photo as she was still feeling confused.

It was not a photo of Emilia and David. Instead, it was a photo of David and another woman, and there was a little boy standing between them.

The little boy looked as though he was two to three years old, and his features resembled Jensen very much.

The woman looked like she came right out of a painting with her delicate features. She was the perfect example of what people referred to as gorgeous.

In the photo, David’s expression did not look well. His brows were brought together, looking indifferent and distant.

David clearly looked like he did not want to be in that photo, but the woman and the little boy had big and happy smiles on their faces.

‘That little boy is probably Jensen, and that woman should be his mother,’ Kisa thought to herself.

Judging from the photos she saw, Kisa could guess that the person David loved was her mother, Emilia.

However, she had no idea why David did not marry either of them.

Kisa went to look at the envelopes hurriedly after putting down the photos.

All of the envelopes had been opened, and there was a letter in each of them.

However, there was no information about the sender. Only the recipient’s name and address were written on them.

Kisa fumbled through the letters and read the letter of the earliest date.


[My son, Jensen. I hope you’re well. Don’t worry. I’m still alive.

However, I’m choking on my rage. I only want to take back what is rightfully mine, so you and your mother can be protected. But, Madalyn Walker is stopping me from doing so.

She claims that I’m her biological son, yet I’m nothing but an outsider to her. I’ve done so much for the Kooper family, and I’m being sent out of the country in return. I’m discriminated and humiliated in every way possible while staying in a foreign country. Honestly, I would rather be dead.

Keep this in mind, Madalyn Walker and the Kooper family are your enemies…]

Madalyn Walker was the full name of Jensen’s grandmother.

The content of that letter showed how terribly David hated Madalyn and how much he missed Jensen.

Kisa pursed her lips as she folded the letter and put it back into the envelope.

I guess David probably sent Jensen this letter after he moved into the Kooper residence,’ Kisa thought to herself.

‘But, he hid it in this secret compartment because he was worried that others might see it.’

However, Kisa did not know if the secret compartment was built by David or Jensen. Kisa looked at the dates and opened the following letter.

[My son, Jensen. I’ve finally managed to avoid the guards and returned here.

However, I can’t come back and see you. I’m with the Mullen family in Athadale right now. I’ll come get you when I have enough money and power.

I realized that everything had changed after returning here, and I’m very upset.


Remember what I told you. Madalyn Walker and the Kooper family are your enemies…

Kisa furrowed her brows.

‘David was with the Mullen family? How is he related to them?’

Kisa looked at the date of the letter and found out that it was sent a month after Emilia married Christopher.

However, she did not know how long David stayed with the Mullen family and where he went after that.

So, she went on to open the third letter…

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