Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1061

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1061

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061 You Might Regret Your Words One Day!

‘Kohen is radical and scary.

‘But come to think about it, I’m his wife, I won’t want to hurt him.

‘As long as I don’t mess with him, he wouldn’t hurt me.’

As she thought that, she felt that Kohen was not actually that terrifying.

“Nothing is absolute. Be careful, you might regret your words one day!”

Gilbert laughed softly at Kohen when he saw Eylul walking in his direction.

Kohen smiled gently as he shook his head, “I’ve never regretted anything in my life. To be honest, I don’t know what it feels like to regret something. I want to experience

it someday.”

“Don’t get carried away. I’m sure your wife will make you feel what it’s like to regret one day.”

“You think too highly of her.” Kohen scornfully said, “She just doesn’t have what it takes and isn’t good enough to make me regret.”

“Really?” Gilbert smiled faintly. He stared over Kohen at Eylul who was standing

behind him.

He smiled at her as he greeted, “Hi Mrs. McCray!”

Kohen’s body was noticeably stiff for a moment.

He squinted as he ruthlessly glared at Gilbert.

Gilbert lifted the corners of his lips. He then walked toward a remote corner of the


“How cunning!”

Kohen gritted his teeth and muttered as he stared at Gilbert’s back. He looked indifferent and estranged again like how he normally was when he turned back to look at Eylul.

“Weren’t you entertaining those female socialites? Why are you here?”

“They wanted to meet Mr. Kooper. So, they asked me to come over here to see if he’s arrived,” Eylul truthfully said. She looked expressionless.

Kohen actually kind of hated her undisturbed and calm face. It seemed like nothing

could stir her emotions.

Even during lovemaking, she did not have many changes in her facial expression.

He was inexplicably agitated.

He took a sip of his alcohol as he coldly said, “You came over here just because they told you so? Why did you listen to whatever they said? Don’t forget that you’re my wife. You’re the daughter-in-law of the McCray family. Don’t show your natural servility in front of them in the future. You’ll embarrass me and the McCray family if you do that.”

“… Okay!”

Eylul hung her head as she said blandly.

Kohen was unhappy seeing her like that.

He coldly said, “Gilbert is here. If they want to see him so much, they should come over here. Did they want me to bring him over to them?”

*All right. I’ll go and tell them that.”

Eylul walked away after saying that.

Kohen was increasingly annoyed as he glanced at her thin back.

He pulled his tie as he frustratedly walked toward Gilbert.

Gilbert was not interested in parties at all. After he arrived at the party, he merely sat in a dark corner to drink his alcohol casually and aimlessly.

He would look at his phone occasionally. It seemed like he was waiting for messages and phone calls from a certain someone.

Kohen sat down across from him and grinned at him, “If you want to call Kisa, just call her. You’re such a hesitant man. You’re so ridiculous!”

Gilbert stared sullenly at him. He did not speak. He just picked up the glass of alcohol and drank it.

Meanwhile, a few women who were all dressed to the nines walked toward them.

All of them wore delicate make-up and were richly dressed. They were clearly the socialites from high society.

“Mr. Kooper, nice to meet you. You look even more handsome in person.”

“And Mr. Kooper’s temperament is excellent. You looked so honorable just by sitting here.”

“Mr. Kooper, would you please humor us by drinking with us?”

They sat down next to him as they spoke.

Kohen had told them that Gilbert had fallen out with his wife, and that they might get


So, they wanted to take this opportunity to impress him and perhaps become his new wife.

Gilbert frowned. He was unhappy that the ladies came but he did not let his emotions show since they were Kohen’s friends.

Just when the ladies toasted him one by one, Kohen silently took a picture of them.

He looked at the picture after he took it. He nodded satisfyingly. He then immediately sent the picture to Kisa.


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