Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1064

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1064

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064 And… I Lied Before?

“You’re the one who’s lying!” Rose immediately yelled emotionally.

Then, she turned to Kohen with tears in her eyes.

“Ever since you married this woman, I knew my place, and I stopped bothering you. But, you invited me to this banquet. Did you ask me to come here just to get

humiliated by that scheming woman?

Besides, everyone here saw how your woman picked on me. They all saw it. If you don’t believe me, you can ask them.”

Suddenly, the women around them chimed in and agreed.

“That’s right, Mr. Kohen. That woman was clearly at fault just now. She started getting aggressive at Rose first.”

“Besides, this woman’s not fit to be your wife at all.”

“She’s merely a country bumpkin. She has no right to be here.”

Kohen immediately looked around him.

The voices of the women around him promptly grew softer. They all avoided his gaze and lowered their heads.

Kohen’s gaze swept across them briefly before finally landing on Eylul.

“Do you admit it?”

Eylul had a calm expression. “There’s surveillance in the courtyard. You can check the footage if you want to know who started it.”

‘Things have already come to this, yet she’s still acting so indifferent.’

Kohen abruptly felt an inexplicable sense of anger.

He snorted icily, “There’s no need to check the surveillance. Rose had never lied.”

Eylul felt a twinge in her heart.

She looked at the man in front of her calmly and said, “And… I lied before?”

“You did. Didn’t you get this marriage through deception?” Kohen scoffed sarcastically.

He wanted to see a trace of emotion on the woman’s face.

To his disappointment, her face remained calm and different without any other emotions.

Kohen immediately felt a sense of vengeance.

“Apologize to Rose!”

Eylul felt a twinge in her once more. It was an unfamiliar feeling that made her panic.

She clenched her fists and stood straight. However, her bare face remained emotionless.

Rose smiled smugly to herself. She purposefully said to Kohen, “It’s fine, Kohen. We don’t have to force her if she’s not willing to admit her mistake. But, you need to be careful with her in the future. I can tell that she’s the type of woman who’ll frequently take up secret lovers.”

“Apologize!” Kohen continued staring at Eylul. His tone grew even icier than before.

Eylul clenched her fists so tightly that her palms were about to bleed. Finally, she walked up to Rose and indifferently said, “I’m sorry.”

Seeing the woman apologize, Kohen felt uncomfortable.

What he wanted to see was for the woman to put up a fight and her other kinds of emotions.

However, she did neither and remained indifferent.

It was as if she remained as still as a statue even if he took things too far with her. “Kohen…”


Rose thought Kohen did not like the country bumpkin, so she wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Kohen. She did not expect Kohen to fling her to the ground promptly.

The woman was stunned, “Kohen…”

“Today’s banquet ends here. See the guests off!”

Kohen said icily to the butler.

Then, he dragged Eylul into the house, leaving the guests in the courtyard staring at one another in confusion.

Gilbert watched as Kohen dragged Eylul away forcefully. A moment later, he shook his head in resignation.

He suddenly remembered that he had also treated Kisa that way in the beginning.

‘Now that I think about it, I was horrible toward her back then. No wonder that woman never believes that I’m being genuine,’ Gilbert thought.

Gilbert took out his phone. Then, he thought of giving the woman a call using his Dutch courage.

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