Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1063

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1063

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1063

Chapter 1063 Ruin The Party

Kohen frowned, and he turned his head to look at the center of the party.

Gilbert drank his alcohol as he gently smiled. “Looks like someone is trying to ruin your party. Aren’t you going to have a look at it?”

Kohen stopped staring in that direction. He casually smiled as he said, “It’s not a big deal. It’s just some ladies quarreling. Everything will be fine after they’re done fighting.”

Right after he finished saying that, his butler ran toward him hurriedly.

“It’s bad, Mr. McCray. Mrs. McCray is fighting with Rose Williams from the Finlay Group!”

Kohen suddenly furrowed his eyebrows. “Who’s fighting with who?”

“Mrs. McCray and Rose Williams.”

Kohen got up before his butler finished speaking. He then strode toward the noise.

Gilbert could not help but smile.

‘Humans. Indeed, all of us would unknowingly fall in love with someone.’

No one knew if he said that about himself or Kohen.

The pastry stand at the side of the party was knocked over.

Eylul was stained with butter cake and alcohol.

Her hair was dirty, wet, and messy. There were even alcohol stains on her forehead. The stains were dripping down her eyebrows. And, there was a clear palm print on her clean face.

She was in a terrible mess at first glance.

And, Rose.

She was crossing her arms over her chest. Her elegant dress was not stained with anything at all. Her showy face was all arrogant and haughty.

“How can someone like you be good enough to become the daughter-in-law of the McCray family and the wife of Mr. Kohen? Tsk. You should look in the mirror and see what you are!”

Rose glared at Eylul with a stern face.

Eylul stood on the dirty floor, quietly staring at her. She did not speak.

It seemed like Rose was not satisfied with just giving Eylul a slap. She strode forward and wanted to slap her again.

But, before she could slap her this time, her wrist was grabbed by a warm, big hand.

Rose raised her eyes, and her eyes suddenly brightened. “Mr. Kohen!”

Kohen frowned as he glanced at her. He then slightly used his strength to push her a

few steps away.

He then looked at Eylul and the messy floor.

After that, he calmly asked, “What’s going on?”

He was looking at Eylul when he asked that.

But, before she could speak, Rose hurriedly said, “She’s married to you. But, she still flirted with other men. So, I got angry and went to talk to her. But who’d have thought not only did she not think that she was wrong, but she even intentionally threw the cake on my shoe. Mr. Kohen, look…”

She stretched her foot which was stained with cake to show Kohen as she said that.

“Initially, I just wanted her to wipe my shoe, and I’d let this incident go. But, unexpectedly, she scolded me. She even pushed me. And when I fought back, she suddenly dramatically knocked over the pastry stand. I’m not sure if she was acting or not because I went easy on her when I fought back!”

Kohen suddenly squinted as he coldly stared at Eylul.

“Don’t you have anything you want to say?”

Eylul could guess who he would choose to believe just by looking at his sepulchral


‘After all, the person he likes is Rose. He was forced to break up with her because of my intervention.’

She looked down, and she did not raise her voice. But, every word she said sounded strong and powerful. “I didn’t do that. She lied. She deliberately rubbed the cake on her shoe.”

‘Even if he doesn’t trust me, I want to defend myself.

‘I don’t want others to think that I’m easily bullied.’

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