Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1082

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1082

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1082

Chapter 1082 He’s Back

Kisa tensed up and listened carefully to the noises outside. She heard the squeal of brakes in the courtyard downstairs. The sounds were jarring and pierced through the still of the night.

‘Who’d be getting home this late? Madalyn, George, and the kids are at home. No one’s sick here, so it certainly won’t be Kelvin. I’m sure it isn’t Davian either, as Gilbert isn’t here. Could it be…Gilbert?’

Kisa got up quickly when thinking of this. She had no time to put on her shoes but hurried to the window, opened the curtains, and looked down.

The lights in the yard were dim. However, with a glance Kisa could recognize that the man who got off the car was Gilbert, as she was very familiar with his figure.

At this moment, maybe because of the guilt in her heart or some other reason, she turned and ran toward the door immediately. She rushed downstairs and opened the door.

Gilbert saw Kisa appear at the door as soon as he turned around, and he was stunned. But his look of surprise soon turned into one of endless longing and tenderness.

He walked up to her in a few strides. He had plenty to say and to ask her, but he could ask nothing when he saw her at this moment. His mind was completely blank. Without any thoughts or words, he merely put his arms around Kisa’s slender waist, held the back of her head in his hands, and kissed her deeply.

Kisa clung to his chest obediently without any resistance. The man kissed her passionately, as if he wanted to make up for all the days that he had missed her with this kiss. Kisa was so dazed she could hardly stand, so she pushed against him gently.

Although Kisa’s strength was weak, Gilbert still let her go. He licked his lips and looked at her with dark and fiery eyes.

Kisa calmed herself down and stood firm hardly. She looked at the man in front of her with blushing cheeks, “W-Why did you come back?”

Gilbert stayed silent and looked at her fixedly, ‘It was midnight when I arrived Calthon. I looked at her room just now and found the lights were off. I thought she was asleep, but I didn’t expect…’

The resentment toward Kisa in Gilbert’s heart seemed to disappear instantly. Only

deep thoughts and warmth were left when he saw her open the door for him in her nightgown, and how her plain face was full of anticipation and urgency. All he had ever wanted was always to be greeted by her and her anticipation when he returned home.

Kisa had never expected the man to kiss her affectionately as soon as he came back. It seemed he was not blaming her for screwing up GK Pictures’s affairs. She asked him hesitantly, “Don’t you… blame me for that contract?”

Suddenly, Gilbert pulled her into his arms again. He stroked her long hair and said in his deep and hoarse voice, which was full of affection, “Yes! I blame you. But you leave me no choice. I can be angry with you, but I can’t bring myself to hurt you even though you’ve screwed me over so badly.”

Gilbert closed his eyes and hugged her tightly.

‘My hesitation and anxiety these days can only be calmed when she is in my arms. I give up. I can’t ever punish her cruelly, no matter what this woman does to me.’

Kisa stiffed and allowed the man to hug her.

‘He said he won’t hurt me even though I screwed him over so badly. How can I not be moved by these affectionate words?’

Kisa’s eyes flushed with tears immediately, and her vision blurred when she thought of what Davian said that day.

‘Do I still have to doubt him after he’s done all this?’

Kisa was confused at this moment. She was unsure whether to follow her heart or believe the truth given by the warden and jailers.

Gilbert let go of her gently and looked toward her belly. But in that moment, his face hardened into a frown.

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