Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1083

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1083

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1083

Chapter 1083 I Can’t Hurt or Scold You

Gilbert noticed Kisa was not even wearing shoes while looking at her belly. She had just run downstairs in her bare feet, even though it was so cold at night.

Gilbert hugged Kisa horizontally and said with a little reproach, “Why didn’t you wear shoes?”

Kisa was startled, then realized she was not wearing shoes. ‘No wonder I felt some pain earlier.’

“I forgot,” Kisa said softly.

Gilbert looked at her. He couldn’t help but smile, “Were you that excited when you found out I was back?”

“Of course not!” Kisa denied it subconsciously. “I want to ask you quickly about the contract. Do you really plan not to punish me?”

Gilbert carried her upstairs directly. After entering the room, he stared into Kisa’s eyes and said resignedly, “I want to punish you, but I don’t know how. I can’t hurt or scold you.”

“You don’t intend to kick me out of Kooper’s residence?” Kisa asked again.

‘I screwed over GK’s affairs so badly, but he’s not punishing me at all. It doesn’t seem to fit his ruthless personality.’

Gilbert put her on the bed gently. His big and warm hand covered her flat belly immediately, “You’re pregnant with my child. How could I kick you out of Kooper’s residence?”

Kisa looked embarrassed, ‘This misunderstanding is getting worse. Gilbert found out the news even though he was overseas. The power of news and the media really is unbelievable. In other words,

Gilbert came back suddenly because of this child.’

“How many months pregnant are you?” Gilbert looked at her tenderly and stroked her abdomen with his fingers gently.

Kisa felt sorry to explain when seeing Gilbert’s expectations and love toward this child.

‘He hated my child so much when I was pregnant with his child before. He kept asking me to have an abortion and saying my child was evil. But I’m not pregnant now. Instead, he’s looking forward to the arrival of this non-existent child. I feel a little ironic when comparing now and the past.’

Gilbert took off his coat and threw it on the couch. He loosened his tie and said, “Is your show done filming? How much time is it taking?”

“Almost done. It should be finished in less than a month.”

Gilbert frowned, “Can you find a substitute for the rest of the play?”


Gilbert said resignedly when seeing the persistence on the woman’s face, “Alright. Be careful when you’re on set. Don’t be involved in any dangerous stunts.”

“Gilbert, actually I…”

“Wait a minute. Let me take a shower first. I’m dirty after coming back from outside… “The man walked into the bathroom as he said.

Kisa opened her mouth, but she could only hold back her words. She looked at her flat stomach with a wry face.

‘I was so afraid of getting pregnant with his child originally. I’m worried our relationship would be more complicated and more things would be involved once there’s a child. But after seeing how much he and Madalyn are looking forward to this child, I suddenly feel it would be so good to actually be pregnant with his child.’

Kisa leaned against the bedside and played with her fingers. She was trying to think of an explanation that would be more convincing to that man, but what she was most afraid of was Madalyn. No matter what Kisa said, Madalyn was convinced that Kisa was pregnant with a child of the Kooper family.

Suddenly, just as Kisa was thinking wildly, the bathroom door opened.

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