Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1084

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1084

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1084

Chapter 1084 What Are You Hiding For?

Gilbert came out wrapped in a towel with a puff of warm air around his body. He took a towel and wiped his hair casually a few times, then put the towel on the chair by the window.

The man had walked over when Kisa stared at him closely and thought about how to tell him. He tore off the towel directly, then got into the bed naked.

Kisa blushed and moved to the side immediately. novelbin

The man pulled her back. “What are you hiding for? You’ve seen it before.”

Kisa’s face turned redder when the man said it so bluntly. She pressed the quilt and separated both of them with it.

Gilbert glanced at her movements and could not help but smile. He did not force her to stay close to him.

‘It’s okay that she’s not clinging to me. If she was, I might not be able to control myself.’

He put his arms behind his head and said in a hoarse voice, ” If you weren’t pregnant I’d take you right now on this bed.”

Kisa bit her lip and could not speak out her explanation again. She squeezed her palms and looked at his side face, “Gilbert… are you looking forward to this child?”

“Yes!” Gilbert looked at the ceiling and replied in a deep voice.

In fact, right now the thing Gilbert wanted to do the most was to hold Kisa in his arms and have sex with her. However, since she was pregnant, he might hurt the baby if he did it. So he resolved himself

to control his urges, and he felt like he could do it as long as he did not touch her or look at her.

“By the way, you haven’t told me how long you have been pregnant. I remember that you took the contraceptive pill last time. The pill had no effect on the child, right?”

Kisa smiled in amazement and said to him, “Gilbert, do you think there’s a possibility that I’m not pregnant, and the journalists just reported it indiscriminately?”

Gilbert frowned and turned to look at her, “Stop kidding. There’s an anti-slip mat in the bathroom, and a call bell is installed on the bed.” He had seen these as soon as he came in.

Kisa kept smiling at him, “Those are all prepared by your grandma after reading the newspaper. All of you prefer to trust the newspaper instead of me.”

Gilbert’s face darkened slightly, “You are… not pregnant?”

Kisa laughed, “No.”

“Oh! Why didn’t you tell me earlier!?” The man growled. He turned over and lay on top

of her.

Kisa was stunned, “What are you doing?”

“Since you’re not pregnant, I have nothing to worry about,” Gilbert said as he tore off the quilt wrapped around her body.

Kisa pushed his shoulder immediately when she realized what he was going to do, “D -Don’t you still blame me and hate me for screwing up GK’s affairs? Why are you still touching me? Shouldn’t you ignore me and drive me away?”

The man looked at her with a smirk, “Yes, I blame you and hate you. That’s why I have to punish you severely, don’t I?”

“No, no, no. That’s not what I meant when I said ‘punishment’… I… Ah…”

Before Kisa could finish her sentence, the man had already started.

Kisa gritted her teeth and thought to herself, ‘I wouldn’t have explained it if I knew earlier. I can simply make him mistakenly think that I was really pregnant.’

They kept tossing until midnight. Kisa slept deeply and could not wake up no matter what happened.

Gilbert looked at her well-behaved sleeping face quietly. His eyes became gentler. He was still angry with this woman and resent her from the time he left in anger that night to the moment before he came back. But when he saw her, he felt all his anger and resentment were gone. He had never realized that his yearning for her was so intense.

Gilbert took her hand and held it tightly in his palm. He whispered, “I don’t care about anything this time. You can hurt me if you want to, as long as you don’t leave me.”

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