Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1085

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1085

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1085

Chapter 1085 To Keep Our Baby Safe

Kisa opened her eyes dreamily.

She could vaguely see the man’s deep and affectionate gaze, which looked sincere, especially after a whole night of not sleeping and doing the deed.

Kisa fell asleep again after opening her eyes for a moment.

Gilbert wanted to talk to her as he thought that she was awake, but she went back to sleep again.

He smiled helplessly. I wonder how tired she is.’

He brushed her hair on her cheeks gently before giving her a peck on her pinkish cheek.

Then, he said softly, “Just sleep. I really want us to have another baby. This time, we’ll raise him together without missing any part of his childhood.”

Kisa heard what he said through her half-asleep daze.

She was confused.

‘Why did he say another baby? Have I ever got pregnant with his baby?

‘I guess he probably said a baby, not another baby.

‘Or I just heard him wrongly.’

Kisa stopped thinking about it and fell asleep completely because she was just too tired.

Kisa slept well that night and did not even dream.

After she woke up, her whole body felt sore as if she had done a day of hard labor.

Suddenly, she remembered how aggressive Gilbert had been last night as she turned to her side.

Gilbert was gone.

Kisa reached out and touched the other side of the bed, and it was not warm


She stretched her neck. Then, she checked the time on the phone, and it was already nine o’clock.

She did not have a lot of scenes to shoot that day, so she could go to the set in the


She got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. Her head hurt after looking at the non-slip mat all over the floor.

Fortunately, Gilbert came back, and he would probably explain everything to Madalyn.

Even though Madalyn would not believe her, she would not doubt what Gilbert said.

She saw Madalyn and Gilbert sitting at the dining table after she went to the living


One of them was reading a newspaper and the other was reading a magazine.

Neither of them was talking and they looked very harmonious together.

Gilbert saw Kisa as soon as she got down.

“You’re awake.” He put down the magazine and went to hold her.

“Be careful!”

Kisa paused and pushed his hand away. “Didn’t I tell you last night…”

“Yeah, you did. You told me everything and I got it. Don’t worry. I’m not going to do anything to you these days to keep our baby safe.”

Kisa widened her eyes as she said to Gilbert in a low voice, “What are you doing? I’m not…”

“You should have some breakfast now. I personally made it for you.”

Gilbert helped her to the dining table gently as he spoke.

Madalyn took off her glasses and she finally looked at Kisa without any resentment in her eyes.

However, she did not look very loving either. Her expression was just a little better than before.

“Come on. Eat it while it’s still warm.”

Gilbert placed the breakfast in front of her and smiled gently.

She had no idea what was going on. ‘Didn’t I tell him that I’m not pregnant?

‘Not only that he didn’t tell his grandmother about it, but he’s even acting like I’m pregnant. What’s happening?’

“That’s not going to be enough. The breakfast isn’t nutritious at all. Are you trying to abuse my great- grandchild?” Madalyn looked at the breakfast Gilbert made for her

and said disdainfully.

Then, she continued, “I told the maid to make some bone broth. It should be ready now. I’ll go have a look.”

She grabbed her cane and walked to the kitchen as she spoke.

George saw it and hurriedly went to help her.

They walked farther away from the dining table.

Kisa grabbed Gilbert’s sleeve and snarled, “What are you doing? Didn’t I tell you that I’m not pregnant?”

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