Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1088

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1088

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088 Mr. Kooper Is Afraid of His Wife?

“Mrs. Kooper, I heard that Mr. Kooper made his way back here last night. Did he do that because of the baby in you?”

“Mrs. Kooper, when are you going to announce this good news now that Mr. Kooper has returned?”

The reporters scrambled among each other to throw her all kinds of questions.

Kisa took two steps back. Then, she looked at Gilbert’s car behind her and said to the reporters with a smile. “Mr. Kooper is still in the car, you guys should ask him directly if you have any questions. I need to get to work. Please let me through.”

The reporters rushed to Gilbert’s car and surrounded it after hearing what Kisa said. Kisa lifted the corner of her mouth.

‘Gilbert is going to be fully responsible for the outcome regardless of what he says to the reporters.’

Gilbert only got out of the car slowly after watching Kisa go into the set.

“Mr. Kooper, is Mrs. Kooper pregnant with your baby? When is the baby due?”

Gilbert placed his finger in front of his lips and said mysteriously. “Shh. Stop asking me about it. She wouldn’t let me tell anybody anything!”


The reporters had their eyes wide open.

‘Mr. Kooper is actually afraid of his wife.’

“My wife hasn’t been in her best health recently, and I hope that you can avoid standing in her way like that again. Can you imagine what would happen if she fell?”

Gilbert said ambiguously and made the reporters start guessing.

“Okay, we get it. Don’t worry, Mr. Kooper. We’re not going to do that anymore.”

“Thanks. Just ask me if you have any questions.”

“Sure, Mr. Kooper. So, is Mrs. Kooper pregnant or not?”

“Ah! I really can’t tell you that!”

In the Risen Enterprise CEO’s office, Jensen was looking at the monitor in the quietly. The screen was playing a live broadcast of what was happening outside the set.


His face was emotionless, and no one could tell what he was thinking.

Mia pursed her lips and said to him, “Actually, what if Kisa is pregnant with Gilbert’s baby now? After all, they already have three children together.”

“However, the existence of this baby will wear down Kisa hatred toward Gilbert. Kisa did not feel like taking revenge on him anymore, and this baby is just going to give her another reason not to do it.” Shaun said softly from the side of the room.

Mia scoffed. “Let’s not force her if she doesn’t want to do that then. We can take over GK just as easily without her.”

She did not know why Jensen wanted to take GK away from Gilbert after he woke Jensen had changed completely after that accident.

Jensen held a glass of water up silently as he lightly tapped the edge of the glass with his slender fingers.

Then, he said softly with a smile, “What if she lost the baby because of Gilbert?”

The look on Mia’s face changed. “Jensen, what…”

Jensen lifted his gaze and looked at her. “Why are you so scared? I was just joking.” He stood up after saying that. His body which used to look so big looked very skinny


“Jensen…” Mia stopped him as she saw him leaving the room. “Why don’t we just get over this and go back to Raworth? We’ll have more money than we could ever spend even though we give up on GK, J & K Film Group, and this company. Let’s just stop tangling with them, okay?”

Jensen turned around slowly to look at her before he smiled faintly and said, “Things are different now. It can’t be the same anymore. There’s no way.”

“Why not? What exactly happened? Would you just tell me about it?” Mia looked at him and spoke as if she was begging him.

However, Jensen only shook his head and walked out coldly.

Mia staggered backward.

She could clearly feel that something was wrong with that accident that turned Jensen into a completely different person.

But Jensen just would not say a thing about it.

Mia saw Shaun following Jensen. She frowned and stopped him…

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