Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1089

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1089

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089 Merciful

“You heard what he said too, right? He was only joking about making Kisa lose her baby. You’d better not try anything!”

Shaun chuckled scornfully. “Ms. Mia, when have you become so merciful? You’re worrying for your enemy!”

“I’m not worried about him. I just don’t want him to do something he’ll regret in the future.”

Jensen was the person Mia cared about the most. She was afraid that the man

would be blinded by his emotions and did something irreparable just to suffer the consequences himself.

“Hmph!” Shaun scoffed. “Mr. Kooper has never once regretted anything in so many years. You’d better not spoil his plan even though you don’t want to help him ”

“I’ll tell you what. You’d better not try to do anything to Kisa’s baby too. Otherwise, your boss is going to be the one suffering the most!”

Shaun smiled noncommittally. Then, he turned around and walked out of the room.

Mia slumped in a chair wearily.

She had no idea how things became like this.

Kisa was the woman he loved the most.

However, he still did not hesitate to turn against her.

Jensen became so heartless to Mia, that she was terrified and felt like she did not recognize him anymore.

She suddenly realized that she preferred the version of Jensen who used to always think about Kisa over this ruthless version of him.

On the set, Kisa was getting prepared for a wire stunt. The director hurriedly ran to her. “Q–quick… put her down!”

The crew pulled down the wire, puzzled.

Kisa stood on the ground and looked at the director confusedly. “What’s wrong? Are there any changes to the script?”

The male lead was supposed to hold her and flew away for some distance while fighting the villain in this scene, so there was no other way to film it other than with her hanging in the air with wire.

“No, but you can’t be on this thing,” the director said while signaling the crew to hold

her arms.

Kisa had no idea what was happening. “What’s wrong?”

“Are you seriously asking me that? Your husband has made it clear for me to look after you in the set. I must make sure that nothing happens to you here. I’m so forgetful. How could I forget that you’re pregnant with Mr. Kooper’s baby?”

Kisa suddenly awkward. “I’m not.”

“It’s okay. Having a baby isn’t something to be ashamed of. There’s no need for you to hide it. Besides, you’re already married.” The director spoke while signaling the crew to help her to rest at the side.

“I’ll just get a stunt double to replace you for this scene. Besides, everything will be fine since you don’t have a lot of scenes like this to shoot anyway. This is a special occasion, right?”

“Hey, listen to me. You’re wrong…”

Jolina interrupted and tried to convince her, “Kisa, just stop being so stubborn and listen to the director. Rest here and don’t do anything that might affect the baby.”

Kisa was speechless.

‘Good. Now everybody in the world thinks that I’m pregnant with Gilbert’s child.‘

Adrien and Peter were sitting in the visiting area not far away from Kisa.

Adrien frowned as he stared at Kisa’s flat stomach. After some time, he asked Peter,” Do you think… that Kisa is really pregnant with Gilbert’s baby?”

“I guess so. It’s nothing surprising since they’re married anyway.”

Peter said unconcernedly and his deep gaze had never left Jolina.

Adrien squinted as a cold look appeared on his face.

‘If Kisa is really bearing Gilbert’s baby, my plan is going to be completely ruined.’

He had done so many things just to spark the hatred inside Kisa, so that she could destroy Gilbert for him.

Then, to make both of their lives utterly miserable. he was going to tell everybody about the truth, including how Gilbert’s parents had died.

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